Chapter 1-5

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Chapter 1 My dream is a bit strange

Qin Sheng stared blankly at the takeaway in front of her, half of her face still had faint handwriting - she fell asleep on the table before, and this half of her face happened to stick to the document that was just printed out, leaving a mark on it.

"Sister Qin, what's the matter with you?" The female assistant with a nondescript public face leaned over wonderingly: "Is it enough to stare without eating?"

Qin Sheng suddenly let out a long sigh: "Zhuzhu, you said that if the end of the world comes, what should I do if I won't be able to eat anymore?"

"Don't call me Zhuzhu!" Shen Zhenzhu corrected angrily. She had corrected it n times, but Qin Sheng didn't take it to heart at all: "Are you sleeping stupidly? Why don't you stay up late to read novels? Sister Qin, you can't do this. Although the business of our clinic is in a downturn, you can't give up on yourself! Believe it, the future is always bright!"

Before he finished speaking, he was stabbed by another assistant in the clinic. The male assistant with an elite appearance cleared his throat: "Boss, look at it carefully, isn't it just a divorce? If I say boss, you are a strong woman with good looks, figure, and career. If you really become a housewife, it is a loss to society!"

Shen Zhenzhu curled her lips, and the word "sycophant" silently spit out from her mouth.

Gao Bowen pushed his glasses with his hands reservedly, and glanced at Shen Zhenzhu proudly, heh, it was all jealousy, he understood, he was not as knowledgeable as a little girl!

"Maybe I really fell asleep." Qin Sheng shook his drowsy head: "Okay, I'll wash my face and wake up."

In the bathroom, after washing his face, Qin Sheng looked at the tired face in the mirror, and covered his bloodshot eyes with his hands.

These days, she always dreams about some weird things, such as the harsh natural environment, people struggling to survive, animals and plants that have mutated or planned... It is simply the end of the world.

Such dreams don't happen occasionally, there are more and more frequent signs, and the scene in the dream seems to be becoming clearer and clearer. She feels faintly uneasy, as if something is about to happen.

When she came out after washing her face, she saw her ex-husband standing at the door of the bathroom with his arms folded, his lips pursed tightly, his brows furrowed, and he stared at her impatiently: "You didn't eat on time, did you?"

Xiao Wu has a pair of very good-looking phoenix eyes. When looking at people, they are always somewhat sharp, which probably has something to do with his profession as a lawyer. Qin Sheng always feels that when he looks at people, he looks like he is looking at criminals.

"We're both divorced, and you care so much about me!" Qin Sheng leaned against the wall, with a half-smile: "Why does Lawyer Xiao have time to come to me? Could it be that after watching so many cases, he finally has a psychological problem and needs to seek relief from a psychiatrist?"

No one knows better than Xiao Wu what kind of dog temper Qin Sheng is. This woman can make people pissed off with just one mouthful.

He took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket, and stuffed it into Qin Sheng's hands involuntarily: "I'm having dinner at home tonight, and Mom is here."

The expression on Qin Sheng's face became more serious: "Okay, I understand."

"Lawyer Xiao!" Lu Dan, a beautiful lawyer from the same law firm as Xiao Wu, stood not far away in a professional suit, with a folder in his arm: "Do you have time? I have something I want to consult."

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