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Yoo Joonghyuk was silent the whole time. He hold the phone close to his ear, while a small smile appear on his face as he listen to the other talking. His heart is beating so fast, just by listening to Kim Dokja's voice.

"You don't have to worry! The rumours will die down soon." He said, tone slightly soft and low as he speak. He doesn't want the other to worry about his situation right now.

"Are you sure? You can share your worries with me, if you want. I'm always ears." Yoo Joonghyuk said, obviously wanting Dokja to know that he is indeed worried about the other.

Dokja giggled, causing not only Yoo Joonghyuk to grip on his own phone a little tighter, but even Uriel coughed uncontrollably after. Why does Kim Dokja's giggles sounds so cute just now?!

"Oh, don't worry! I'm fine, really." Dokja said yet again, hoping that he succeeded in convincing the other. And not long after that, Bihyung called out to Dokja.

"Ah, I have to go. I'm glad that you call, hehe. Your voice is very attractive! Bye bye!" And with that, Kim Dokja hung up. His face is a little flushed, red out of embarrassment. He couldn't believe that he just said that.

Even Uriel is looking at him with a flabbergasted expression on her face. It's quite unbelievable that Kim Dokja doesn't know the person behind that voice. Well, it was SO obvious!


"Kim Dokja."

Before Uriel could talk to the cute squid, Bihyung cutted her off and called out to the other first. And soon after, both Dokja and Bihyung disappeared from Uriel's sight. Bihyung is definitely going to talk to Dokja about the rumours.

Uriel stay silent for a moment, ignorning the ringing coming from her phone. The others are probably bombing her with questions now. Uriel bet that Sooyoung is screaming and cursing at her own phone right now, since Uriel haven't replied to any if their questions.

Well, they're literally in the same building. Why won't the other come to Uriel instead.. Tsk, lazy people behavior. Uriel is now thinking hard, and it took a few moment before her eyes widened slightly. A smile spread across her face as she dialed a number.

Lee Jihye's number to be exact!

First rings... Second rings... Third rings...

"Hello?" And Jihye finally picked up! Uriel hummed softly, smiling brightly as she hold her phone close. It's time for her to go back to her detective phase!

"Lee Jihye! Are you busy right now?" Uriel said, now sitting down on the sofa. Actually, nevermind. She's laying on her back now, cuddling a small cushion in her arms while she talk to Jihye on the phone.

"Oh, no. Not really, I just finished with my training. What's up, unnie?" Jihye is a little curious on why Uriel eould called her. Well, Uriel and her are quite close, since Uriel was one of the judges who was in the grainee show Jihye is in.

Right after Jihye passed his audition, Uriel approached her and asked for her number. She remembers just how casual Uriel was whenever she talked to her. And the fact that Uriel would gladly give her phone number to Jihye is quite surprising too. But of course, Jihye know just why Uriel did that..

"Oh, I'm good! Just wondering if.. Yoo Joonghyuk is busy?" Ha! Jihye knew it!

Lee Jihye let out a soft sigh, chuckling after. She's standing in the middle of the practice room right now, while one of her hand is on her hip, and the other is holding the phone.

"Unnie... you can just call Joonghyuk sunbae, can't you? After all, aren't you guys going to do a collaboration soon?"

"Well, yes! But.. with the rumours going on right now, maybe they'll postpone it for a while." Uriel said, humming softly after.

"And can't you just tell me if that handsome sunbae of yours is busy or not?" Uriel continues, hoping that Jihye wouldn't question her any further.

Yes, Uriel can call and talk to Yoo Joonghyuk himself. They were acquaintance before, after all. Uriel had a character in a game that Yoo Joonghyuk played, so the two did a few shoots together before. That's it and nothing more. But somehow, Uriel managed to exchange numbers with the man. Maybe Uriel cute, persistent behavior caused Joonghyuk to give in...

And even if Uriel calls him now, Yoo Joonghyuk will not pick up at all! That's why she was so flabbergasted when she found out that the one who called Kim Dokja earlier was Yoo Joonghyuk! What a picky bastard.

"Well, sunbae is usually.. Uh, in his room right now. Probably going to stream soon, maybe?"

"Ohhh, I see.. If you don't mind, if you ever meet him, please tell him to pick up my calls. Or I will steal his squid away..." That last statement definitely caused Jihye to laugh. She doesn't understand it, at all. But maybe, just maybe, her sunbae really likes eating squid.

So, both Uriel and Joonghyuk definitely fight over squids all the time, how cute.

That was what Jihye is thinking about right now. But both you and I know that the squid is not a literal squid..

"Alright, unnie. I'll tell him about it later." Jihye said. And the smile on Uriel's face widened.

Actually, Uriel is planning on meeting up with that so called Yoo Joonghyuk. Because he need an explanation about the situation between him and Kim Dokja. She's curious! And.. And maybe.. Rooting for them too...

Now that she think about it, Kim Dokja is a cute person. An adorable, petite little squid. He's literally the cutest. Well, his behavior is. But there are times where Kim Dokja would look hot, HOT. Like super duper extra spicy hot. And it caused Uriel to think about her feelings toward Kim Dokja a few times.

But knowing the real, adorable, cute Kim Dokja, Uriel have the feeling that he's going to be a cute little dongsaeng of hers instead!

And Yoo Joonghyuk? He's a man, man. Like, look at him, ladies and gentlemen. Look at those pecks, mmm one lick please.

Right, too far, too far. Anyway, Yoo Joonghyuk is the opposite of Kim Dokja. He's a cold, distance one. It's so hard to see him smile. The only emoticon Uriel would see coming from Yoo Joonghyuk is an annoyed one. Or an angry one. Or the frowning one...

BUT, Yoo Joonghyuk's visual is NO JOKE. His face, his features, his body... Oh lord, so perfect, so handsome, so hot. Even kids would drool over him, for sure! He's like a prince charming, the one that need saving instead of doing the saving... It's because of his unavailable emotions, expressionless behavior, okay.

Uriel hummed softly, nodding her head after. Yes, yes. The two fit each other! A cute guy and a hot one! Definitely a huge yes from Uriel!

"Unnie?" Jihye's voice interrupted Uriel's thought for a second, and the older let out a chuckle.

"Sorry, and thank you, Jihye! I'll hang up now!" And after earning a bye from Jihye, Uriel immediately hung up.

An evil, playful grin on her face now, while she squel into the cushion. Oh, she's definitely going to meet Yoo Joonghyuk soon! And she will help him to get together with Kim Dokja!!


"What the heck are you squeling about?" Han Sooyoung's voice caught Uriel off guard for a second. Holy, how and when and where and why is Han Sooyoung is here..?

"You haven't replied to any of our chats so I thought you died." Sooyoung said sarcastically, earning a laugh from Uriel.

"How the heck do you know that it was Yoo Joonghyuk?" Sooyoung asked, now looking at the other with a slight frown. She is now sitting beside Uriel.

"Oh, don't worry. I don't know the full story yet, but I'll make sure that I will. WE will. What I do know that if I wasn't mistaken, it was Yoo Joonghyuk's voice when Kim Dokja picked up the call!"

And so, the two planned out something. Probably and definitely something that is related to Yoo Joonghyuk and Kim Dokja. And they will make sure that they will find out the story behind those two soon!

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