Chapter 12

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Warning⚠️: Beware of wrong grammars, typos and misspelled words....R*pe mention will be encounter

-Evander's POV.-

I am here right now in the dining room with dad,mom and the spoiled bra- ahemm! I mean Arsene...kung nagtataka kayo dahil wala dito si Vlad at Galen, it's because otouto is still sleeping and si Vlad naman ay gusto niyang bantayan si bunso.

Hindi pa naman kami nagsisimulang kumain dahil hindi pa handa lahat

"Evander? Where is Vlad and Galen?? Didn't your mother tell you and Vlad to tell Galen na sasabay siya sa atin na kumain ng hapunan??" Dad asked

"U-uhmm kase dad nung nagpunta kami sa room ni bunso is tulog siya kaya hindi namin siya na sabihan." I lied....mahirap na baka mapagalitan.

"And what about Vlad??" He asked again

"Binabantayan po si bunso" I said honestly

"Why bother mom? Dad? Di naman siya kasali sa pamilyang to he's just a tr-sh" Arsene said

"Don't you ever call your brother like that Arsene....hindi ka namin pinalaki ng ganyan. And you don't know the whole truth kaya wag na wag mong sabihan ng ganyan ang mismong kapatid mo." Mom said with a disappointed look and strict tone

'Disurb. Wala kaseng preno ang bibig' I mentally said habang nagpipigil ng tawa

"Evander. Go and wake up Galen, tell him and Vlad to come and eat with us" mom said with a serious tone, kaya napaayos ako ng upo

"Yes mom." As I get up and teleport to Galen's room

Nang makarating ako ay nakita ko si Vlad na parang busy sa pagbabasa at nakayakap kay bunso habang si bunso ay natutulog pa rin nang mahimbing. Lumapit ako nang dahan-dahan kay Vlad at agad na binatokan

"Aray! P-ta-" di niya na natuloy yung isisigaw niya cause I pointed at Galen's sleeping form

Kaya tiningnan niya ako ng masama at ako naman ay napangisi, pumunta ako sa kabilang gilid ni bunso at niyogyog ng mahina

"Otouto?? Wake up it's time for dinner" Sabi ko habang niyuyogyog ng mahina tama lang na magising siya

"Hmmm....nande??" He sleepily asked as he sat up while rubbing his one eye

"Wahhhh my otouto is so cuteee!!" Tili ni Vlad habang pinipisil ang pisnge ni bunso dahilan na mapadaing si bunso

"Wtf Vlad are you even a boy?!" I directly asked

" my dear twin I'm not a boy. I'm a man who will fullfill the duty of a King soon" he said and posed like a decent king as he stopped squishing otouto's cheeks

"Baka!" Otouto yells at him while massaging his cheeks

"Pftt- hahahhahah, come on otouto....Okāsan and Otōsan are waiting for us in the dining room" I said at inilahad ang kamay

He stared at my hands with a confused face, he looked back at me and asked

"Nande?? They hate me...right?" His question broke my heart....

"Just....don't mind those things otouto..." Vlad said and took Galen's hand, holding it with a care and got up and started to walk while me just following.

"You want me to not mind those things na sumira at sisira pa sa buhay ko??" Otouto asked kaya napahinto kami sa paglakakad, we were too stunned to answer

"Nvm.........btw how long did I sleep?" He asked again changing the subject

"U-uhmm..about 3 hours bunso" I answered

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