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The moon was its peak, shining its calm light on the grass paths as a certain slayer with (H/C) hair strolled around the edge of the forest. Though, it's preferably considered as patrolling by the female slayer.

The slayer known as (Y/N), had her katana resting on the left side of her hip, her left hand resting on the hilt of her katana as she patrols the border of the forest. (Y/N) was tasked to patrol the village near the very forest she was strolling.

The villagers of Saganohara Village often hears, or, spread rumors about a serial killer living in the forest deep within. Some say that it was an evil witch that eats up children when they misbehave or disrespect their parents whilst near the forest, this was mostly used to scare children in the village so they'll listen to their elders.

The villagers believes in every horrid false they hear about the forest, and the thought of living in the village was infuriating enough for (Y/N).

What did Sumire say again? The female slayer halted in her steps as she recalls the words of her Kasugai crow.

"Saganohara Village! Head southeast!" A crow cawed as it lands on the right shoulder of the slayer with (H/C) hair. The crow known as Sumire looked at the girl seemingly not paying attention to what she just said. Angry, Sumire pecked on the girl's shoulder.

"Alright, I am listening Sumire." (Y/N) looked over to her crow with lazy look in her eyes as Sumire starts to give more information. "Saganohara Village is currently experiencing massacres, disappearances, and burning of houses after murder of one particular vilager." Sumire cawed as she flapped her wings before pecking on her right wing.

Sumire's cawed words were immediately engraved onto the girl's mind. (Y/N) sighed as she stood up from the tree stump she was sitting on and dusts the lower part of her uniform, Sumire not leaving her right shoulder as she stares down at her.

"How come the other slayers have not saved this village from danger yet?"


(Y/N) then thought to herself, what if the demon was in the forest, waiting for a victim to feast on? She thought about it for a while and nods at her contemplation. It could be a possibility. She thought.

The young slayer then faced the forest that was just a mile away from her. (Y/N) thought about it again, before making up her mind to also patrol the forest, in case the demon was residing in there. But, something stopped her...

Her own thoughts did so. What if it was a trap so the demon could attack one of the villagers? What if she was just overthinking? She was just overthinking. Right?

(Y/N) mentally groaned at her owns thoughts stopping her from doing anything. Or, rather making her unaware. It was hard making decisions especially when overthinking the consequences of each action. And, this decision that somhow gave her only two options, will harm the villagers of Saganohara either way!

If she patrolled the forest, the demon might use this as an opportunity to harm another villager once again. But if she did not, the village will continue to suffer from the constant fear of being targeted to be killed.


The sound of a loud splash rang through the forest, reaching the ears of the demon who made his friend cast that trap for the girl. The demon who casted the spell just sighed.

"That slayer got caught in our trap?" A female voice was heard.

"Yes. Finally! Took quite a time before she even went into the forest." The voice of a demon male rang out. But was immediately shot a glare by the female demon who had her arms crossed.

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