Chapter 7: Shallow Waters

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

Shallow Waters


What if...

After oral and poetry class, I quickly moved my feet out of those rooms to head for the training. I didn't even realize I had a Sage to mind. 

"Helio, wait!" he increased his voice closer to shouting. I paused my feet and waited for him to come. "What's with the rush?" He asked while we synced in steps.

"I thought we were late," I gave a reason.

"Alright, but we still have half an hour." He took out his phone from his pocket. "Wanna buy coffee before training?" He swiped and swiped but still managed to have a conversation with me.

Temptation devoured me hearing the magic word 'coffee'. "Okay~ but wait, could you go buy without me? I need to go to the bathroom." I felt a sudden fill-up of my bladder that I had to cancel my Cafe visit. 



I rushed to the nearest restroom as if I were a walking injured person. I started running when I felt the dangerous feeling. One thing that I can't be prepared for was having a sudden urge to pee.

I felt like I could recite the whole college syllabus after going out of the bathroom. I took the toilet with a door, not the one telling you to stand while peeing. I actually never used those in my entire life. It's awkward and it's not an experience to look for.

The restroom door was surprisingly calm. It didn't hit me on the way out. Speaking of out, I need to find Sage.

Stamping gently on the tiled floors of the school while hunting Sage. I looked in every vicinity. It came to mind that Sage might still be ordering at the cafe, so I thought of continuing my walk to the training.

I took a sharp turn to the hallway that goes to the convention room. But I found myself bumping into someone's chest. I bolted my eyes before impact. I could imagine it would be like hitting my head with the higher bed of a bunk bed, but it felt like a pillow. 

I stumbled upon opening my eyes a guy with an engineering aesthetic. I crossed my brow and narrowed my eyes before raising my sight to see who was who. 

 My expression became soft. I saw two jade eyes which somewhat soothed my feelings. 


"Whoops, are you hurt- Oh, Helio?" He casually beamed as he realized. "Sorry," he even apologized as if I'm not the one at fault for not looking. I stepped back after bumping into him

"Nice bumping into you here...I was actually finding you—could be fate." He became brighter than the first moment I met him. 

"I don't believe in fate, though," I gave a dull comment.

"I agree, I also don't believe." He placed his hand on his chest while the other one held a bag.

I heard someone chuckle behind Rijo. I tilted my head to see who was who. Another guy with a height similar to Rijo's. I noticed he had curly hair. I tried to decipher his face because it seemed familiar.

"Don't mind him," Rijo said while shrugging his shoulders.

My jaw opened as I aha-ed in my mind.

I stepped closer. "...You're the one who gave me the coffee." I pointed at him with my index finger.

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