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"loss humbles us" - Duryodhan

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"loss humbles us"
- Duryodhan

The mourning clouds finally pronounced the departure of Sun as they proclaimed the place where Sun resided moments before. The sound of end of the day bid farewell to Sun and the cursed estranged night which fed on the intrusive thoughts of eldest Kaurava finally started leeching off his feelings and thoughts as he trudged outside his camp with his work out body from today's battle. Unkempt hair, the blood stained armour still adorning his body and his face pale as if he just witnessed living hell. The description seem unusual for someone who grew up inside the walls of palace, filled with schemes and figures who dominated his position all his life.

What was most appalling was the soulless eyes of crown prince, the darling son of King and Queen, which were looking aimless and chasm as he made his way towards who knows where. The surrounding was not any different from current state of crown prince too as their was visible strain among the soldiers as they meekly stood up after spotting crown prince walking towards them yet no one dared to raise their voice fearing the wrath which would drown them from none other than crown prince. There was nervousness in their hushed voices as they whispered among themselves in reserved manner, fearing if crown prince accidentally heard them.

"I will ask last time, has anyone seen king of Anga?", The voice of crown prince sounded too humble, humble to the point they wondered if the person who was inquiring was the same person who had gleam of pride in his eyes and arrogance in his bone considering it almost sounded as if crown prince was begging to them to let him know whereabouts of king of Anga. Although famous for his notorious nature, they still felt shred of compassion for the eldest crown prince as they watched his dishevelled appearance, an unusual sight for someone who lived his entire life as someone high and mighty one.

They have all witnessed as the land of kurukshetra leeched on their trail of thoughts, fed on their comrades blood who succumbed to eternal peace and starved for their own life force with no consideration of their loved ones. They all have experienced the heart-rending reality where justice is serving no purpose and mankind has emerged as ferocious beasts as they fed on their own kind. The innocent ones, the commoners who were forced to participate in the war which was meaningless to them and reached their underserved end.

The god they had faith on them refused to accept their prayers and plea as he watched his own children reaching their undeserving end, he watched as innocent ones were given as blind sacrifices to the bloodthirsty land of kurukshetra. The comrades they fought alongside were nowhere to seen now as they finally succumb to death, the ultimate outcome this war had. The entire reason for the war was now lost in farway corner of their minds as they followed their leader aimlessly. It didn't matter to them now about who won considering they already lost what they held dear.

The land of dharma, which lord of Dwarka like it to call seem to forgotten it's meaning as he silently watched countless innocent fall to their death. They all had various opinions about them yet none of them dared to reveal it, thinking it's safer for the harsh truth to be hidden to avoid lowering their morals get the gloominess in their heart couldn't hide anymore as they watched their destruction infront of their own eyes. The destruction which had no connection to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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