Popeye battles an Ogre

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It's been a couple of days since the job with Aria, we now see the base of Night Raid. A small fortress built into the side of a mountain. Several of its inhabitants still nursing their beating from that strange man. Out of all of the men and women in the capital, that man had the power to beat several members of Night Raid at the same time, with strength to spare. It was very rare when the assassins had to retreat, but they did that night. The assassins gave the report to their leader Najenda, to say she was intrigued would be an understatement. Not only did they get a potential new recruit, but a very powerful person just made himself known. Najenda couldn't even begin to theorize what kind of power that man was keeping spare, how much strength he was holding back. To damage Incursio the way he did, punch away shots from Mine's Pumpkin or even break out of Lubbock's Cross Tails. All of these things she thought would be impossible for, just about any normal person. Yet from what her assassins told her, not only did he perform such feats of strength but managed to match Akame's blade with his smoking pipe. She would've laughed if Akame herself hadn't confirmed it. It wasn't until Tatsumi came to, that Najenda decided she would question him personally. From the report, the man seemed to have interacted with Tatsumi, she could get a name at the very least from him. So when it came time for his induction and the members of Night Raid who felt the pain of the man's bare fists.

"So, Tatsumi" she began. "Tell me, do you know anything about the man on the night you were brought to us?"

"The man? Which one?" Tatsumi didn't want to know the answer, he feared for the sailor if Night Raid decided to set their sights on revenge or even recruiting him. Sure, he would be very useful in the Empire's liberation, but he seems like the kind of guy who wants what he wants and doesn't want anything else. And joining a revolution? That was unlikely.

Najenda was about to continue before Mine butted in.

"That lucky bastard with one eye you moron!" Tatsumi was about to retort to the comment about his mental strength before Bulat began.

"That wasn't luck Mine. His strength. His speed. His durability. That was not granted to him by luck, with power like that? I don't even want to know what kind of hellish training he went through to get it. Or what he was fighting that required him to need it." He said, resting his hand on his badly bruised gut. Lubbock's face didn't fare much better against the man's fists, much of the swelling had gone down but he still had trouble seeing out of his eyes, he hoped it wasn't permanent.

"The man's name is... Popeye."
He paused for a moment, Najenda noticed this hesitation before mentioning for him to continue "Do you know anything else about him?" She asked, if there was anything to be learned about this 'Popeye' it would be from Tatsumi. She had already heard rumours of a Popeye travelling the capital, fighting corruption, danger beasts and in some rather frustrating instances, members of the revolutionary army. It frustrated her to no end to know this man existed, and yet couldn't find a single piece of information about him other than a strange name. What side did he support? What did he fight for? What is his end goal? She didn't know, but she would. Damn her if she didn't.

"Well, his name is Popeye and he's been lost in the Empire for a while." Tatsumi began. "He didn't talk much about where exactly he's from. Just that he came here looking for something"

"What is he looking for?" Akame asked, this 'Popeye' is a rogue element. He needed to be understood if her and her team were to beat him if necessary, the fact he could beat them handily was evidence of this.

"I don't know. He said something about a map once, but didn't say where or what it led to."

'A map? He's fought his way across the Empire, for a map?' This piqued her interest greatly. If they could find this map before him. They would have an advantage over him. But the question remained, what is the source of his strength?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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