Perfectly Waiting

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Love 🌻

The dark blue sky glittered the evening breeze . The shinning stars that are peeking out and the glowing grey hero of night slowly making it easy way to the payment , everything was soothing .

Except his heart .

Because these reminded him of someone . Someone he gave up.

Someone he betrayed .

Closing his eyes and twirling the golden ring in his neck , he remembered the shy smile he was rewarded whenever he gave out something cheesy cliché romantic lines . The sweet innocent giggles that was so soothing but he was too blinded with jealousy and insecure that let him walkout.

Kinn .

The one beautiful human , he had ever seen . The young hearts that attracted them to eachother . But he was an asshole .

From a young age he was insecure about everything . Sometimes his own self. Kinn was something precious he didn't deserve . Everyone around them knew . Kinn was just blinded by the feelings and one day he will realize the truth that they never belong to the other.

That was the fear that stuck him too .

When Kinn said yes to him , he was over moon . He did everything to keep kinn to himself . Somewhere he didn't realize he was suffocating the other .

Love starts to hurt us when it take a turn of uncertainty , insecure and doubt .

Kinn was so beautiful that , he feared that Kinn would slip off from him . So he just wanted the other to himself .

He started to control and prevent. He started to feel so much jealous seeing him laugh even with his friends.

Everyone was silently giving warning to kinn that things would turn toxic if he didn't react but kinn was a sweetheart.

Atlast the tensed air burst when he found kinn at a party with a bit of light makeup and a very attractive two piece . Even though he was just with his friends and nothing else was going on but his brain was giving vivid images and scenarios which bolted his body before he could think straight.

It was the first and last time he raised his hands on the boy before kinn's brothers had taken him home and Kinn had completely shut him off.

The boy sighed in defeat and thinking about the past only made him anger upon himself. He got up from the bench and decided to walk back to his hotel he was staying for the weekend . He was here in India for a business meeting .

The only thing that he earned so far in his life was a comfortable life for his mother who worked hard for him but an inner piece and someone to love and cherish was still missing.

"Mommma .......... Daddy is bingig cocalate ."

( Daddy is bringing chocolate)

A little bunny teeth girl ran to a man who was seating in one of the benches. He was facing the other side and could not see his face but he could definitely see the white skinned man was smiling at his adorable daughter.

" Don't run Kiara. You will have owie when you fall ." the man spoke cutely as he helps the girl to sit down.

He stood watching the scene that he failed to recognize the voice , he yearned for years now .

Perfectly WaitingWhere stories live. Discover now