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"Dubois, someone came to see you, come with us."

The woman looked at the two guards trying to process what they were saying. Someone came to see her ? No one came to see her ever since she was there. How long was she going to be there ? Why was she there ? What happened ? She could feel her father's disappointed gaze on her. He didn't raise his daughter like that. He didn't raise her at all but it's just a small insignificant detail. Who would come see her ? Can't be her father, he's dead. Can't be her ex husband, probably in prison too. Can't be her current husband, when she went to jail he asked for a divorce. Can't be Emerald, she actually had no reasons for that since she felt like she had been a perfect mom to her, but it couldn't be Emerald. She felt like she forgot someone but couldn't remember who. Well, who cares, if she couldn't remember then it wasn't that important.

Why did she end up in jail ? That's a good question. Ah yes, she forgot Peridot. Well can't be her anyway. So she got charged with kidnapping, aggravated assault, bribery, and fraud (they had digged deep enough to find papers that showed proofs of that.) So now she was stuck here for the rest of her life. Kinda sad. And all that because her daughter had to be in love with that fucking blue haired bitch. Oh how Morgane hated that girl so much.

How long has it been already ? A year ? Ten years ? She had lost track of time. But what she was sure of was that ever since she was in jail, no one came to see her. She wasn't surprised, after what she did to everyone of course no one would want to visit her.

She arrived in the room that she assumed was for visits. It was her first time being in this room, and it was exactly like the rest of the jail, old and dirty.

Her eyes landed on the only person in the room, short and blond hair with green eyes. It took her a moment before realising that it was her daughter Peridot. She sat in front of her staying silent. Peridot was the one who started the conversation anyway.

"How's jail ?" Morgane would have sworn that she saw a smirk on her daughter's face for a second.

"Amazing actually I really enjoy being here." She was going to tell the guards to bring her back to her cell but she still had some questions "how long have I been here ?"

"It's been five years."

"What happened ? How were you able to find enough proofs to send me here ? I was always careful !"

Peridot raised an eyebrow "they didn't told you ?"

"I didn't want to hear about my daughter betraying me. But now that you're here I suddenly got curious to know how you betrayed me."

Peridot snickerd "You just don't know how to properly hide your stuffs. Seriously a locked drawer ?? You didn't seriously think that I wouldn't get curious to know what was inside ??" Morgane just rolled her eyes "I went to see Lapis after discovering the proof. We then collected enough proofs to send you to jail."

"You betrayed me for some emo girl wow."

"I'm not here today to hear you complain about me." Peridot suddenly seemed a bit nervous "Me and Lapis got married 3 years ago. We bought a house together and we've been living happily since then. After that I got a job opportunity, Pearl was working as the vice president in the company I work in, but it was just too much work for her. So she asked Garnet to make me the vice president instead."

"So you're here to just rub in my face how succesful you are now. Greaaaat."

Peridot sighed "no. You're gonna be a grandma."

Morgane's eyes widened "w-what but ??? Lapis is-?? What ????!"

Peridot just laughed at her mother's reaction "mom we're in the process of adopting a child, none of us wanted to carry a child so Lapis thought that adopting would be much better." Peridot showed a picture of a little girl to her mother "Her name's Turquoise. We thought that she looked a bit like us and most importantly, she is a very nice girl."

Morgane genuienly smiled "do you think you could bring her here one day so that I could meet her ?"

Peridot looked down "she's a bit young to learn that her grandma's a criminal. We'll wait until she gets older but, yes. It was Lapis's Idea. Since her parents don't want anything to do with us she thought that maybe it would be good for Turquoise to meet you one day."

"Good, is that all you had to tell me ?" Peridot nodded and Morgane made her way toward the guards. But before she reached them she turned back and told her daughter "Je suis fière de toi Peridot. Tu es devenue une femme formidable." Then she left.

"So how was it with your mom ?"

Peridot got greeted by her cat pumpkin and her wife "very well actually. She wants to see Turquoise one day."

Lapis smiled "I was sure that it would be a great Idea. I want our daughter to at least know a part of her family." Peridot hugged Lapis tightly.

"You know. She said something that actually surprised me." Lapis raised an eyebrow "she said that she was proud of me and that I became a wonderful woman."

Lapis smiled and kissed her wife "she's right. You are a wonderful woman."

Peridot giggled. Her wife, she's married to the most wonderful woman in the world. Peridot would trade that for nothing in the whole wide world. Soon she'll have a daughter and they'll all live happily ever after. As for the others, Steven is now 17 and is learning with Garnet everything about his mother's company. Pearl and Amethyst moved out of town to live near the beach -they have a big house where they invite everyone during summer- and as far as Peridot know, Amethyst is thinking about proposing to Pearl. It didn't work out between Jasper and Holly but they are on good terms, Jasper is now travelling around the world with Bismuth. Emerald got pregnant and had her first child a year ago, now she lives with her husband and her daughter in another city not so far from where Peridot lives.

Everyone should be here for the small party Lapis and Peridot both prepared to welcome their daughter into their family. Their family, Peridot realised soon enough that family did not mean being blood related. Family means people that are there for you in bad moments and in good moments. And Peridot was glad that she had found her family.

Two months later, when Turquoise arrived at her new home she met so many new people that her parents told her were a part of her family. Everyone was nice to her and she was glad to be there with all of them.

Lapis and Peridot were both talking in the kitchen when Jasper joined them. It was nice to be all three of them together without fighting or yelling at each other. It was as if nothing had ever happened. Like they were still middle schoolers and their only worry was what movie were they gonna watch during the sleepover. It was nice. Peridot got the good ending she deserved.

Happily ever after never ends

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