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Dream's Pov

I can't believe Error just left so abruptly- I can't even sense his aura anywhere...
Dream paces around kicking the snow as he walked, completely lost in thought.
"Hey Dream!" Ink popped into his sight seemingly out of nowhere.
"Oh. oH- uh, hey Ink- funny seeing you here haha.."
Ink stared at him blankly.
"...yeaaa so you wouldn't happen to have seen Error have you?" Ink blinked and his pinpricks glowed red in the shape of a target.
"Error? No I haven't seen him in months," Dream said calmly regaining his stature. "Why are you looking for him?"
"Hmm. It's because.." He pauses for a second as if he'd forgotten. "Uhhhh hold on," Ink holds one end his scarf and frantically searches. "Oh! Riight he destroyed some Au and I just need to get back at him."
That.. doesn't sound right..
"But.. I thought you weren't letting the creators make anymore new AU's." Dream inquired. Actually, maybe he shouldn't have mentioned that-
Inks eyes quickly flashed before reverting to its default state.
"And I haven't! No new AU's have been made. Error just destroyed one of the older ones for no reason!"
Dream wasn't buying it.
He knew Error genuinely had no ill intent.
Ok maybe he could be a bit overkill sometimes but intentions aside at least he was trying to stop.
Still, I need Ink to believe I'm on his side...
Hopefully this bought Error some time, I won't be risking prying into this any further.
"Oh, well.. wait Ink what time is it?"
"10:41Am, multiverse time."
"Ah sorry I really should be getting going I promised one of the Underswap timelines I'd be helping them out today."
Ink glanced around seeming uninterested in what Dream had to say. He simply nodded before disappearing into the ground.
There's really no telling what Ink is up too.. I wish I could help Error but I don't even know where he is.
Error did mention my brother though.. Nightmare and I aren't on the best of terms but it's been worse. I guess it wouldn't hurt asking him about Error.


Nightmare's pov

There was a sudden surge in positivity. That means one of two things.
Either Dream is here or.. Dream is here.
The sheer thought made him shutter.
Luckily his brother came into his sight not long after.
"Hello brother! This isn't a bad time is it?"
"No your fine," he stood up to get to eye level. "What brings you here Dream."
"I was wondering if you knew where Error was."
Hm. How peculiar. I didn't know Dream even talked to Error at all. Ink must've asked him to gather information.
"Why? Is Ink trying to annoy him or something."
Dream frowned a bit from the mention of Ink.
"Yes but not in the way your thinking," Dream replied and Nightmare raised a brow. "He's been acting awfully strange, a lot stranger then usual. I'm afraid he's looking for Error with malicious intent... I just wanted to warn Erro-"
"He's with us."
Dream stares at his brother, processing the information.
"Come again?" Dream tilted his head looking unconvinced.
Nightmare took a deep breath before continuing.
"I understand that Ink is clinically insane, and Error is with us. Now if that's all I'd appreciate you out of my sight." His tone was stern. He didn't mean to sound that way, perhaps... somethings just can't be forgiven.
Dream hesitated looking like he wanted to say something but started walking to the door.
He stopped in the doorway and turned back facing Nightmare.
"Broth- ...Nightmare.. could we maybe talk sometime?"
"No. I'm not him. You know that Dr-"
"I know-! But.. your the remains of him, wether that's the good parts or bad parts you- you were him. Please Nightmare I know it's a lot to ask but- I just want to talk to you! I promise I'm not going to treat you as if you were him..."
It pained him to say but Dream was right. As time passed through out the multiverse he started to understand Dreams stance on things. Not to say he didn't absolutely hate him, he just.. couldn't let that one thing go. He couldn't accept the fact that it wasn't Dreams fault.
The fact that.. he didn't know about the bullying, he couldn't have possibly done anything t-
-o stop them but he should've, he should've known he could've-
"Leave." Nightmare snapped back and said with cold eyes.
Dream looked up at him, visibly saddened but nodded and turned to leave.
"...I'll have you informed of when we can speak." Nightmare said and shut the door.


-Author note-

-776 words-
Short chapter because my dumbass decided to start writing 3 chapters at the same time 😊😊😊
Tried something different this chapter, it's okkk
also idk why I decided to mention swad I ain't adding him in this story

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