6. Admitting Feelings

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McKayla rushes to the bus and gets on. When she gets home, she hugs her mother and runs to her room to cry. Julia calls. "Hey, girl. You okay? You've been distant from me all day. Did I do something wrong?" McKayla sighs audibly to Julia. "Can I be honest with you? I've liked Caleb since 3rd grade and that kind of shattered me when you said you were dating him. Plus it's Monday, we had school, and I'm on my period." Julia's eyes widen. "Oh, my gosh M. I'm so sorry, I had no idea! I'll tell him my mom said I can't date... which wouldn't be a complete lie." McKayla is shocked. "You do that for m- no. No, Julia. Please. If you guys truly like each other, you should be with him. Our friendship should never be the reason to ruin that. Have fun with Caleb, he's really sweet." Julia's eyed widen bigger, and she feels confused. "No, please, M. Caleb just likes me for my body, that's a fact. I know I look good, I wont lie. I know I make other girls jealous because of it, but I don't show my body off to make them feel insecure. I do it because it's my body, and my choice. Please, you can have Caleb. He's a perv anyways, we're not a great match." McKayla now understands. Now she understands why Julia always shows off her body. She feels bad. "Thanks, Julia. I love ya, sis." McKayla says to Julia .

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