3. In Class

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"So that's how you find the-" The teacher is saying to the class. McKayla is bored out of her mind. She looks back and sees Julia and Caleb flirting. Caleb blowing kisses, and Julia eyeing him up and down in a flirtatious way. McKayla just wants to go home, she feels like her guts are rotting, like she wants to punch someone, and worst of all- she feels like Julia knows she likes him, and is stabbing her in the back for revenge. McKayla looks at the clock and remembers she's only in 4th period, she hasn't even eaten lunch- but she feels that even if it was time for lunch, she'd end up vomiting it up anyways.

McKayla's last period of the day:

Finally. It was the last period of the day. Gym class. McKayla hates gym, but at least it was her last period. McKayla walks into the locker room with all of the other middle schoolers. She sets her things on the bench and grabs her things from her locker. Julia smiles at McKayla and grabs her things, too. McKayla walks to the restroom inside the locker room to do her business. She finishes, but looks down. "Aww, shi-" She thinks to herself. McKayla has already been having a tough time, and now she's just started her period.

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