8: Your Questions

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(13th of October) Last day of the term finally rolls around. Slytherin are hosting a party tonight, in our common room, just 6th years. We are known for regularly throwing parties, possibly because the other house rarely do, and ours are always so much better anyway. I haven't seen Mattheo almost all week, his exams have been almost full time when he hasn't been in our lessons. I don't think they were hard, but I'm pretty sure they loosely covered almost all important information from 1st year to 5th. That would have fucking killed me off.

Pansy asked me to meet her by the great hall after last period, which I where I'm headed now. Of course, I've taken a longer route; I'm trying to bump into Mattheo today, its unlike me to be so desperate. I was planning to keep up my current attitudes; holding him at arms length. Usually this would be seen as manipulative, or for my own benefit, however I could tell he enjoyed it. I know he had his results today, hence him not being present in any of the lessons.

I'm sure if I keep walking, I'll meet him somewhere, I always do.

"Going to the party tonight I suppose?" He calls from behind me.

I smile to myself as I know I'm successful. I turn to face him, now walking backwards, slowly so he can catch up. "Why, fail your exams? Need a drinking buddy?"

"Passed. Every. Single. One." He says cockily, "Flying colours I'll have you know?"

"Good job." I say, turning back to the front.

"Are you going to the party?"

"You really seem like you want me there, huh?"

"You really don't like questions do you?"

"Only your questions." I say flirtatiously. He smiles and I continue speaking. "I mean, I have to live up to my reputation, I prefer to remain dark and mysterious."

"I've noticed." He laughs. "Although I'm quite dark and mysterious myself, we would make a great duo."

"We will have to see." I say before taking an immediate left, down the stairs towards the courtyard.

Pansy and Theo are stood at the bottom of the steps, dangerously close to each other. It almost looks like they are holding hands. Pansy whispers a goodbye to him, smiling after he walks up the first few steps. Theo winks at me as he passes by me, before joining Mattheo. I reach Pansy at the bottom, who is now gawking at me, looking as if she is about to jump up and down with excitement.

"Did I just see Evelyn Diggory and Mattheo Riddle deep in conversation?"

"Yes you fucking did." I said proudly.

She began to speak again but I cut her off. "What about you then, did your hands 'accidentally' brush each other, or are you just in love?" I question.

"We are going to the party together."

"No fucking way?" I stop walking and spin around to face her. The smile on her face has stretched from ear to ear.

"Why are you so surprised, I thought you knew something was going on?"

"I'm not surprised, Enzo owes me 10 Galleons."


The party doesn't start till 8, so me and Pansy had plenty of time to catch up on the recent events. She cant believe that I didn't bring up any of my Mattheo conversations, and is over exaggerating the whole thing within an inch of her life.

"Quite a show we have running here, we can hear Pansy shouting from the great hall." Enzo says, appearing in the doorway to our room.

I hold out my hand. "10 galleons please."

He stands there in shock. "Fucking hell."

Pansy flops onto her bed face-down and groans.

"Gotta hand it too you Pans, nice work." Enzo says, pulling various coins out of his pocket and placing them in my hand. He then sits down on the end of my bed, and throws me a weird look.

"What?" I say, making an effort to sound disgusted.

He doesn't reply, just looks back and forth from me to Pansy, who is now propped up on her elbows, her face plastered with confusion. Suddenly her face lights up and she looks directly at me. Enzo begins to smile, and he turns to look at me too. Obviously they have been co-ordinating to ask me something. Before either of them have a chance to speak, I turn around, putting the coins into my bedside drawer, then walk round into the closet. "Black or Green Pansy?" I shout.

"Green." She shouts back.

Great, because I was definitely going black anyway. I walk out holding 2 dresses, one of each colour, and throw the green one on top of Pansy.

"So, Ev." She begins. "We were wondering.."

"Mattheo, what is your motive?" Enzo finishes for her.

"Pansy has just been asking me all this, what makes you think that your presence will somehow open the floodgates? Plus, you are his literal fucking roommate, you're a liability now."

"Actually, being his roommate puts me in a very high position, high enough to offer you a compromise. You tell me something, and I'll tell you what he's been saying about you."

Fuck. I have to admit he is good. This is where his underlying cunning traits surface. I know he is true to his word, yet I say nothing. I'm quite enjoying the game me and Mattheo are playing currently.

"Sorry Enzo, going to have to decline, now get out so we can get changed."

"I tried Pansy, I tried." He says, holding his hands up defensively, before getting up and walking out, shutting the door behind him.

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