24: Parenting

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I walk through the doorway. Dumbledore is sat at the front, at his desk, watching me. There is the same seating area on the right. Cedric is sat in an armchair, and my father is stood behind it with his hand on Cedric's shoulder.

"No." I say immediately, about to turn around to leave, but the doorframe is blocked by Snape. I have no interest in what they have to say to me because I know my father won't do shit, he left that all to my mother.

"Miss Diggory would you please wait, join our conversation." Dumbledore gestures towards the seating area but I stay put. Snape walks out from behind me and stands on the left, facing my father. "Your father informed us of an incident that happened the other day, would you care to elaborate."

"She broke my sons nose." My father says furiously.

"Someone was gonna knock him one, better it be me than one of my friends yeah?" I reply scornfully.

He directs his speech at Dumbledore, not even looking at me. "I don't want my son to be around people who endanger him like this. He didn't even report it because he was too worried about her and her... Slytherin companions."

"That's not-" Cedric begins before my father cuts him off.

"I request that Evelyn and her friends have some kind of restraint, she should not be allowed in his classes, I don't want her anywhere near him if I know she trying to jeopardize him in this way.

He's taking a meter and running a fucking mile. I'm not trying to jeopardize anyone, I just punched Cedric because he deserved it. If he left me alone then there wouldn't even be an issue. I look at Snape, who seems overly bored.

"Amos." Dumbledore begins. "I fully understand where you are coming from. However, it would be almost impossible to remove Evelyn and her friends from all of Cedric's classes. We will happily arrange seating plans to be distanced, and I do want to help you, but what you are proposing is extremely difficult."

"I am a concerned parent, I am trying to look out for my son."

"Not for your daughter." I mumble.

"Mr Diggory." Snape adds. "You are avoiding your means. You are going to great lengths to imply your end goal and we would all rather you get to the point."

My father pauses. " I want her out of the school." I laugh in disbelief. "She is acting as a threat. She has just proven herself as such. The Slytherins are intimidating and she is obviously a ringleader, removing her might quieten them down."

"This is all because someone throws a well deserved punch at your son?" I join in. I turn my attention to Dumbledore who is sat watching the drama unfold. "You just gonna sit there? I forgot, your help is only reserved for the nice brave houses."

Eventually he speaks. "I am sorry Mr Diggory but we won't be able to fulfill that request. Evelyn will be put in detentions for her violent behaviour, seats will be re-arranged, however I cant remove her from the school purely based on these recent events."

"You leave me no choice." My father says. "Cedric will be leaving Hogwarts by the end of the week." Cedric begins to protests but he shuts him down. "You will transfer up north."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I begin.

"He is my child I have to protect him."

"I was your child too."

He doesn't reply to that one, just taps Cedric on the shoulder and waits for him to stand. "Sorry for the trouble Dumbledore. I'm sure this could have been avoided." They walk past me in to the stairwell. I don't look at them, I focus my attention on Dumbledore.

"If you ever need help at Hogwarts, you should be sure to find it." I say, then turn around and leave.

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