ShigaDeku Secret Love Part 7

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All For One


"Daddy! Daddy! I finally did it! I was finally able to control my quirk"! My son Zach exclaimed excitedly running up to me. He was five with white hair and freckles that went across his nose. I smiled at him. "Is that so"? "Mhm! I was able to teleport from my classroom to the boy's bathroom. I know I'm not supposed to use my powers in school but I did it"!

"That's amazing, I'm proud of you". I gently ruffled the top of his head. "Soon you'll be teleporting me and your little brother around". "Did he come yet"? "Not for another week". "I can't wait to hold him. I hope he has white hair like you and me". "I can't wait either".

End of flashback

I'm so sorry I haven't been able to find you yet my son. I promise I haven't stopped searching. I will never stop searching for you. I won't rest until you, Tenko and Touya are back home safe. Just a little more time, that's all I ask.


My leg jumped nervously as I waited for All Might to come back. He had called saying he had information for me and I came running immediately. I tried to calm my nerves the best I could but the more I thought about Shiggy the more agitated I became.

The minutes felt like hours as I listened to the ticking sound of the clock on the wall. I kept looking at my phone for any notifications but that didn't help either.

When the door finally opened I looked up and watched as he closed the door and took a seat across from me. Seriousness was written all over his face as our eyes looked into each others.

"Endeavor was the one that arrested Shogaraki and Dabi. I don't know what his intentions are but I was able to find out that on his last mission, Dabi and Shigaraki had gone to your brother's apartment to find information on your brother's disappearance. They did manage to find some things but were knocked out.

Your father has the evidence they found but rather or not they examined it yet I don't know, it was dried-up blood. However, what I didn't expect was for your brother to be in the same cell as Shigaraki".

I could feel my face go pale and sweat start to form at the mention of him. Zach was the last thing I expected us to talk about right now.

"W what"?

My brothers alive

"He was asleep while I talked with Shigaraki but he confirmed it was him". "How"? "I'm not sure, Shigaraki stated that they didn't talk much about that". "Were the lights off"? "They were but I made sure they were left on after I left".

"That's good". I said looking down.

"I know this is a major shock to you but-". "No its ok, I understand".

Inside flashback

"Aniki! Wait for me, I have short legs"! I said chasing after my older brother. He had promised me to take me to the store while our mom worked and I was beyond excited. It wasn't often the two of us could go out and do something fun so when the opportunity presented itself I jumped at it.

Zach always had something fun planned for us to do. I didn't care what it was though, I was just glad to be spending time with my big brother.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to leave you behind". He smiled and I smiled back catching up to him. This time I held his hand making sure we wouldn't be separated and walked beside him as we walked into a store.

My eyes lit up as I looked at all of the famous hero merchandise. They had everything from toys to bedsheets. "Go ahead and get as much as you want". "Are you sure"? I looked at him curiously. "Mhm, moneys not a problem today".

I hugged him tight before going to explore. I grabbed a basket and put an All Might figurine in it along with an All Might poster, A All Might cup, and lastly an All Might blanket.

Zach chuckled softly before going to the register and paying for everything. When we left I held my bag of goodies tight as we headed to our next stop which was the ice cream shop.

"Aniki, did momma give you all of this money"? He shook his head. "Dad did, he sends me money every month. Mom doesn't know about it". I looked down. "Why isn't he home with us? Is it because he only wants you and not me"?

He stopped walking and knelled down in front of me looking into my eyes.

"Don't ever think that way. Dad loves us more than anything in the world. It's Mom who doesn't want him in our lives. For what reason I don't know". "Will I ever see him"? "One day, I promise".

End of Flashback

What I didn't know at the time is that you had taken a job and was working hard to be able to take care of me on your own. If only I had known. If only you could have been with me when I did meet him. I swear I won't stop until I free you and bring you home, you and Tenko. Just a little longer, please

I thought to myself as I made my way into the hideout and down the stairs to the lounge area. I had called my dad ahead of time to let him know what was going on. He in return called everyone for me.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice. As most of you know Dabi and Shigataki were taken into custody. During their last mission, they were searching my eldest son Zach's apartment for any whereabouts on his location but we're taken after Hawks left to get Toga".

"They managed to find dried-up blood that was on the coffee table and filing cabinet. I was ordered to bring Toga to them so she could find who it belonged to". Hawks said. We all looked at her and took notice to the sad look on her face.


"The blood belongs to both Zach and Endeavor". I looked over at Shoto and could see it was taking everything he had not to lash out.

"Shoto". Dad said.

"I know". He said.

Word Count: 1080

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