ShigaDeku Secret Love Part 3

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"So my dad wants me home for some kind of meeting"? I said in a monotone voice as I looked at my phone. The two of us were both in my room at UA lounging around. "Did he say about what"? "Nope". I made a popping sound with the p.

"Want me to come with"? "Yep". I made the same sound.

We were both dressed in casual clothes as we made our way to the Todoroki estate. I wasn't in the best of moods but having Katsuki with me made it bearable. Once there we made our way inside. Natuso and Fuyumi were there already.

I looked around the house and saw that everything looked the same except for one small detail that spoke volume is to me. Enji had taken down all the pictures of Touya.

"It's good to see you again Katsuki". Natsuo said. Katsuki just nodded. "Fathers waiting for us. We shouldn't keep him waiting". Fuyumi said.

"Let's get going then, the sooner this is over the better". Fuyumi gave an uneasy look but didn't say anything. The four of us headed upstairs to his office and took our seats. Katsuki sat beside me on one couch while Natsuo and Fuyumi sat across from us.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I'm aware you're all busy with your personal lives but this is a family matter". "If this is a family matter why isn't our mother on video call"? I spoke.

"Your mother is getting better. She needs to focus on that so she can finally come home". I huffed.

Ima have to pay her a visit after this

"I hope you didn't call us here to talk about business. Fuyumi and I aren't heroes". "No, it's nothing like that. I called you all here to discuss Dabi".

My body stifined. I knew this conversation would come once the truth came out but I wasn't ready for it. I wasn't ready to hear the harsh words he would say about my brother. Katsuki sensed my distress and held my hand tight.

"I'll be the first to admit I failed Touya just like I failed all of you. I didn't give him the attention or help he needed and as a result of that, he went train by himself and was hurt badly.

I take full responsibility for that but what I will not accept is him becoming a villain. Dabi has hurt countless people over the years and shows no sign of remorse for it at all. He has to be stopped and brought to justice. Not just him but the entire league. They cannot be allowed to wreak havoc".

I didn't know what to say. My father has been trying to redeem himself and I give him credit for that but it was clear he saw Touya as a villain and not as a son. No one knows that Touya contacted me my first year of school and told me the truth.

They also don't know that I've created a band with my brother  and am secretly a part of the LOV. The only one that does know is my mother. So far she and I are the only ones that accept him. I have no idea how Fuyumi and Natsuo feel.

"I'll admit he's different now but he's still my big brother. He's still Touya. There has to be a way for him to redeem himself". Natsuo spoke. "We have given you a second chance. Why can't Touya have the same"? Fuyumi spoke.

"I'll admit I should have never raised my hand to any of you or your mother but the difference between Touya and I is that he chose All For One".

I stood up.

"The only reason he chose All For One is because he felt like he didn't have a choice. He told you he was going into the woods and waited for you but you never showed up. You let him down just like you let us down. You may be trying to make up for the past now but you have to accept the fact that we all thought of you as a villain growing up. Touya was the only one that chased after your love".

I stormed out with Katsuki right behind me.


Dabi was with me as we readied ourselves to leave. He didn't say anything but I couldn't help but notice the fury behind his eyes. "Daddy issues"? "Shut up". He mumbled. "Nightmare or Shoto"? "Hawks will be coming with us. He'll serve as our lookout since Kunogiri is mia at the moment".

"Sounds good". I took out my phone and texted him.

Me: Heading to a mission. I'll call once I'm back

Boyfriend: Please be careful

Me: I will. I love you😘

Boyfriend: Love you too❤️

"Does he know what you're doing"? "No, I don't want to get his hopes up if it doesn't lead anywhere". "Fair enough".

It didn't take us long to get to his apartment. It was located in the middle-class side of town which had decent security. Apparently, Zach had managed to get a job at a young age and was able to save enough money without his mother knowing.

Why he didn't take Izuku with him I don't know but what I do know is that he wouldn't willingly leave his brother. Something was going on and I would get to the bottom of it.

"Dabi, can you hear me"? Hawks spoke through the earpieces we were wearing. "I can. What's going on"? "I knocked out the guards in the front and disabled the security cameras. His apartment is 35A on the third floor. The two of you only have a few minutes".

"Rodger that".

We took off and ran inside as fast as we could. Black hoods covered our heads as well as black masks over our mouths. Everyone knew what we looked like and knew they would contact the hero's from just a glance. Thankfully no one saw us sprinting through the halls or picking the lock to Zack's apartment door.

Dabi and I both took out flashlights and looked around for anything of importance. Papers were scattered everywhere and there were small drops of blood on the edge of the coffee table. Who's blood I didn't know?

"Shigaraki". Dabi caught my attention and pointed his flashlight towards a filing cabinet. It had blood on it as well but most of it was on the middle drawer.

"Hawks, we'll need something to collect blood samples. There's a lot of dried-up blood in here so there's no telling how long ago the fight was without an analysis". Davi spoke. "Do you think it's Zach's"? He asked. "Let's not think that way. It could belong to the person that attacked him and he could be in hiding". I said.

"Understood. I'll let the boss know and come back with Toga".

He would soon find out we weren't their when he came back. As soon as he left a sleeping gas filled the air knocking us both out.

Word Count: 1186

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