Chapter 1

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Heyyy guys! This is my first story on Wattpad so I'm all excited! I hope you guys like it and tell me what you think. ;D 


Chapter 1

I sprung out of bed, screaming with fear. My body was shaking uncontrollably. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to recover from the shock.

Erin, get over it. It’s already in the past and the same thing won’t happen again. He’s gone for good. He’ll never be able to hurt you again.

I scanned my eyes in my room, taking in my current bedroom furnitures to confirm my thoughts. Then my eyes landed on the digital clock which reads 7:45 am.

Holy crap, I’m late for school! I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get changed. I changed into a pair of pale blue color jeans and a sweater that’s twice my size. Grabbing my glasses from my desk, I ran out the house as I threw my book bag over my shoulder. Right when I turned the corner of my block, I spotted my bus. I ran towards it as fast as I can and waved my hands in the air like a madman. Life, being as fair as it is, decided to have the bus door shut right in my face, leaving me out of breath and in frustration.

What a nice way to start the week.

* * *

It’s 8:16 am when I got off my bus. Great, 16 minutes late already. I might as well as just take my time now that I’m late.

The hallway is completely deserted since everyone is in their first period class. I went to my locker to get my textbooks and such that I needed for my first few periods of class.


The suddenly noise caused me to jump a billion feet. Okay, call me a coward, but you can’t blame me for being anti-violence.

I searched for the source of this noise and spotted Alec and his gangs surrounding poor Adrian. Why am I not surprised? It’s one of those basic rules, where the strong ones will always bully the weaker ones and think of millions of ways to make the weaker ones’ life miserable.

It turns out that the sound before was caused by Alec’s fist coming into contact with the lockers right behind Adrian, with Adrian’s head being only 2 centimeters away from Alec’s fist.

“So wimp, what you got in your bag?” Alec’s voice was filled with pure disgust and mockery, making me sick in the stomach. This is why I hate men. They are so violent and… forceful.

Adrian didn’t reply, only looking down at the floor as if it’s the most interesting thing he has ever seen in his life. Alec, whose patient is running low, snatched the bag off Adrian’s shoulder, unzipped it, and threw everything inside the bag out. Papers flew all over the place. It’s like a scene from a movie. You know, the part where hundreds of white papers are in mid-air and everyone looks at and the flunky music playing in the background, except in this case, there’s no music and only Alec’s buddies are admiring at the flying papers while Alec focuses on Adrian and Adrian concentrates on the floor.

Alec’s gangs burst into laughter and then each gave Adrian a hard shove before leaving him on the ground.

Once Alec and his gangs are out of sight, I start to walk away too. Yeah, I know. I’m a heartless bitch who didn’t even bother to help the poor kid, but in my defense, the last thing I want is to get involved with any of the jocks and the popular again.

Yes, Alec is a jock plus a bully who only bullies Adrian. And why is that? Oh, it’s because Adrian’s parent are billionaires who expanded their business to practically everything. From clothing to food, car to oil, media to… well, you get the picture. Basically, Alec’s parent and Adrian’s parent are rivals and trust me, Alec’s parent are no match for the most powerful Reverie Empire.

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