nurse eren [nsfw]

183 8 14

Summary: Unfortunately for Jean, Eren's carelessness during a mission leaves him with two broken arms.
Fortunately for Jean, Eren's been tasked to take care of him. 
Word count: 10.2k


Two steps into Jean's room and Eren is already pissing him off.

Jean can't decide where to direct his scowl. Eren's timid expression is a strong candidate, but his blemish free body is what sends unadulterated rage through Jean's bloodstream. He has a sick urge to yank Eren by his pathetic little manbun and hurl him off the balcony. Of course, that's impossible right now.

And it's all Eren's fault.

Eren sets Jean's key on the desk pushed against the wall. Of all the downsides from recent events, Eren claiming possession of Jean's bedroom key is the worst. When he first proposed the idea, Jean wished to regain the feeling in his arms for just one minute so he could wring Eren's neck.

"How am I supposed to get in if you can't open the door?" he asks.

"Easy," Jean answers. "Don't. I don't need a babysitter."

Eren shoots him a look. "I'm sure Captain Levi will love hearing that his subordinate disagrees with his plan of action."

And that was the end of that discussion. Jean can't stand Eren, now more than ever, but he'll always fear the wrath of his captain more than he hates being in Eren's presence.

And God, does he hate being in Eren's presence. The bastard never shuts up, even when Jean makes it clear he's not in the mood to chat. And he has an irritating habit of stating the obvious.

"I brought you soup," he says, like Jean can't fucking see the dinner tray in his grasp with a small bowl of soup in the center. It's such a dumb declaration that Jean doesn't bother with a response.

They sit at the desk, Eren in the desk chair and Jean in the more comfortable lounge chair, while Eren feeds him. Jean avoids eye contact each time his lips curl around the metal spoon. He can't believe he's hit such a low that he needs assistance to eat.

He's careful as he slurps it down. Any accidental spillage will result in hot liquid colliding with his bare chest. Having two broken arms makes it difficult to get dressed. The best Jean can do is slide his casts through his short sleeve button ups, but he's forced to leave them open. Eren's offered to help, but Jean refuses to sink to an even deeper rock bottom. Same reason why he won't let Eren help him bathe, even if it's a bitch and a half to do it himself. Jean has to hold onto the little bit of pride he has left.

When his gaze finally meets Eren's, he's sickened by the guilt that lingers in Eren's green eyes. It's reassuring that Eren feels bad (he should), but Jean would rather have functioning arms than a remorseful Eren feeding him soup.

Not to mention this soup tastes like shit. Eren's never been a good cook. Jean wishes he'd be smart for one in his life and consult Niccolo instead, but Eren's determined to make up for the damage he caused. Apparently, in his pea sized brain, that means serving Jean homemade slop three times a day.

"Do you want the bread?" Eren asks once the bowl is empty.

Jean winces and shakes his head. His stomach is already at risk of imploding from that abomination Eren calls a meal. Adding soggy bread on top of that is a guaranteed one way ticket to death's door.

Eren rolls off Jean's dismissal and immediately reaches for the bag at his feet. He pulls out three books, each varied in size. Jean can't make out what the other two are, but the one at the top of the stack is a children's story about a princess trapped in a castle against her will. How fitting.

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