sober thoughts

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After a rough night of partying, Eren Jaeger winds up in a tent with an intoxicated Jean Kirstein, who appears to have a lot to say.
Word count: 7.1k

Eren's stomach rumbles for the third time in twenty minutes.

He should sleep. Everyone else is. But he's still energized from such a wild night that the road to rest and relaxation is light years away.

It's been too long since he and his friends had a carefree weekend. The inevitable war with Marley carries a dark cloud over their futures, but Paradis's plan to strike isn't for at least another six months. And even soldiers with the fate of humanity resting on their shoulders deserve a break.

So, Commander Hange and Captain Levi granted the younger Scouts the opportunity to camp out in the wilderness for two nights and enjoy each other's company. Since they're all eighteen, Levi isn't too strict with setting rules. They're adults now, and have proven time and time again that they are respectable and dependable soldiers. So, the only rule for this getaway is that everyone comes back in one piece.

Cue the drinking and dancing and fucking around and laughing obnoxiously well into the night.

Self control is not an option. Even Armin and Mikasa let loose. They link arms and chug their beer cans in one go. Armin's inexperience proves powerful as he struggles to swallow it down. Bits of alcohol seep from his mouth and onto his shirt. Mikasa cackles, only to start choking on her own drink. Three harsh pats to the back from Armin save her, thank god. None of them are sober enough to perform the Heimlich maneuver successfully.

Sasha removes her top, earning a few whistles from Connie. She consumes the attention, dancing in a circle and waving her removed garment around. All is well until she accidentally flings it into the fire they built to keep warm.

Eren, happily watching from the sidelines, laughs so hard he retreats into the darkness to pee in a bush instead of his pants.

Fast forward two hours, he's scowling in his sleeping bag. The lantern tucked in the far corner of his tent serves as his only light source. The world quiets as if it's on pause. Pine trees hovering over the campsite offer an occasional whisper, but quickly return to silence. Eren's tent is one of six circling around the extinguished campfire, but it's easy to forget he's not alone out here.

His stomach growls again. As it turns out, a long night of drinking and acting like an idiot builds a heavy appetite.

He has a lifeline, but reaching out for it requires swallowing his pride. The buzz from the alcohol has yet to wear off, but Eren's not drunk enough to humble himself.

"Go ahead," Armin says. "Laugh all you want. But you never know."

Eren ruffles his hair. "That's our Armin. Always so resourceful. It's cute."

Armin sports a bashful smile. "Emergencies happen, Eren."

"I'm not judging," Eren says, though the laugh that escapes his lips says otherwise. He holds his hands up in surrender. "Pack your little emergency snacks. I'm sure they'll come in handy if we run into a bear."

Eren pictures the smirk Armin will give if he caves. Especially since this doesn't qualify as a true emergency when applying Armin logic. But Eren watched his friend stuff an entire backpack's worth of snacks and bread. Surely Eren snagging a few items won't disrupt Armin's plan of having enough food to feed everyone in the event of a crisis.

His stomach growls a fifth time, which is five times too many. With a huff, Eren climbs out of his sleeping bag, then his tent. Lantern in hand, he navigates to the tent to the right of his. He unzips with caution and barrels inside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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