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Once inside, Rina and I found the food and drink table. Clearly, someone made a run to Honeydukes with all of the delicious goodies here. I took some chips and moved to a corner with Rina. The music was bumping with people dancing on some side tables.

A quick glance around the room there were students from all different houses and a couple from the different schools here to have a good time. A couple of the Gryffindor's were already trying to flirt their way with Beauxbatons girls. I nudged Rina and pointed then out over on the stairs.

We both snickered as the two girls in sync put their hand up and turned away, "Poor Gryffindor's, their courage and bravery won't get them a date with those stuck up skirts." I shook my head.

Hermione found us later with Ginny. "The twins threw a great party, didn't they?" Ginny smiled and bounced to the music slightly.

"Oh, your brothers threw the party? I should've known." I laughed and turned, taking a sip of my sweet drink.

Hermione took a sugary treat from the food table near us, "They snuck to Honeydukes and got all of the supplies there. Apparently, Ronin helped them, wanted Harry to go out with a bang before the final trial."

"Oh, Harry! Where is he? I wanted to congratulate him on the win at Black Lake." I stood on my toes and looked for my brother. I didn't just want to congratulate him. I also wanted to talk to him.

"Harry would be in the middle of that." Ginny pointed to the dance group in the middle of the room, "He is getting the king's treatment." She rolled her eyes.

"Right... I'll figure it out." I waved off and disappeared into the crowd. I carefully moved through people dancing and keeping my drink close to me. Some people saw me and automatically moved, I had almost forgotten some people fear me. Damn Malfoy's.

Just as I pushed my through the group, I saw Harry basically being flowered with confetti and glitter. He was enjoying the moment to the fullest. It was good to see him laughing instead of being a worry seed for the trials and our situation.

"Harry!" I yelled, but the music was too loud. I tried yelling again, but no use.

 George got up on a higher table and turned down the music, "Speech Harry! Speech!"

Everyone started chanting, "Speech, speech, speech!" As Harry was pulled up to where George was.

Harry looked around the room with a bright smile on his face, "Wow. I don't actually know what to say as corny as it sounds. Other than Hogwarts and Gryffindor all the way to the Cup!" He rose his own drink to which everyone cheered and raised their own cups. Harry locked eyes with me and quickly got down as the music pumped up again.

"Seems you are basking in the light." I motioned to where he was just standing.

"Y/N! I'm glad Rina could drag you out. Hope you enjoy the party." Harry was about to walk off until I grabbed him again.

"Wait. I'm not done." Harry came back and gave me a look of what he wanted to go and continue to have fun. "Don't look like that, I wanted to congratulate you for making it this far. You have worked harder than anybody else. I'm glad you are my...family." I mouthed the last part due to the number of people around.

Harry put his hand on my shoulder, "Thanks, Y/N. Hope to see you at the trial tomorrow." He started to leave.

"Make sure you get sleep tomorrow!" I yelled to him as he was gone again. Damn. I turned around and saw another Gryffindor, looked to be a 6th year just behind me, clearly waiting for me to finish the conversation with Harry. "Apologies." I ducked my head down, but he took a step in front of me, "Can I help you?" I got an annoyance look on my face and looked him up and down.

"Sure. Dance with me, Malfoy." He leaned down to me with a smirk on his face. I leaned backward away from him, "It'll be a fun time."

"I'm good." I put my hand up and tried to get away again.

"Don't leave Ice Queen." He grabbed my arm and spun me around.

"Release me, or you will regret it." I dropped my voice and turned my eyes into a glare.

The 6th year was quickly shoved as Fred stepped in, "You heard her Barry, she don't want you. Plus you would regret it."

Barry put up his hands, "Just wanted a good time Freddie, didn't mean to get in the way of your girl."

I pulled out my wand and levitated the cup of liquid over the guys head and dropped it on him, "He was correct. You would regret it. I am not his, however."

Barry took a step forward towards me in anger as Fred interjected again, "To the dorms pal." I haven't heard this protective voice in Fred since the World Cup. The 6th year backed up and clearly climbed the steps. Fred turned to me and put his hands on either side of my arms, "You okay?"

"Yes. I am fine. Some party you're throwing. Great people." I said sarcastically. "I don't need you to fish me out of situations all the time."

Fred scoffed, "Seems like you do ever since last year that you almost got caught by Filch." He crossed his arms, "You like finding yourself trouble and having me get you out of it."

"Ha! As if. All of that was circumstantial. I knew this was a mistake. You always have to make yourself bigger. Thanks for the save. See you around." I shoved past Fred exited the party.

It was so frustrating how frustrated he made me. I started walking and continued in stride without a goal. I was only thinking of what Fred said, and that only made me more worked up, "Stupid Weasley. Stupid me included." I stopped as I heard voices. I looked to the paintings that lined the walls, but they were asleep, none speaking. I looked forward as a cracked light from a door streamed across the floor.

I cautiously walked toward the opened door, which turned out to not be a door at all. It was a panel in the wall with a secret room. Inside was Mad Eye Moody. He was speaking to a chest? I leaned forward, trying to listen, but I couldn't make out any of it besides when he started to cough and took a drink of his assumed nasty drink.

"Ew..." I covered my mouth as all I heard was 'Glacious', and the world was black again.

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