Angel 2 me

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- 5   M O N T H S   A F T E R -

Engfa's POV

It's already been months since I started courting Charlotte, and I'm still waiting for her. I never pressured her to answer me quickly. She deserves a person who's willing to wait for her, even if it takes years just to answer me.

Our relationship is also improving; she started opening up to me. I know all of her worries and insecurities. There are no secrets between us, I trust her. She's the only girl who made me feel things—those butterflies in my stomach every time she kisses my cheeks, those times when I see her smiling because of me—and every time that happens, it brightens my whole world.

I can't lose her, I'm willing to protect her every day, and I'm more than willing to risk my life for this girl. She's the girl that I would like to marry when she's already ready, and I won't let go of those hands.

In those 5 months, we fought sometimes due to misunderstandings, but she never let it slide. Every time we're not okay, she'll do everything to make me feel better again.

There was this time that I was sulking at her because I saw her with another guy, and she even smiled at the guy genuinely. It made me feel jealous, and believe me, I've never been the type of person who gets jealous easily, but when it comes to her, I do get jealous easily.

I didn't give her attention that day, and she knew that I was jealous because she knew that I saw her talking to that guy. She surprised me that night; she took me out to see the city lights while we had a romantic dinner at the most expensive restaurant here in Bangkok.

For those entire five months, she made me feel loved, and I made her feel my love for her almost every day. She also met her daughter, Kyiew. I gifted her a rabbit when one of the magazines she's in became successful. We named her Phalo, and she's a cute little bunny who's also mischievous most of the time.

I'll stop now, right now I'm waiting for Charlotte here in the parking lot because we scheduled a dinner date tonight. I had already been waiting here for 20 minutes until I saw her walking towards my car.

I immediately got out of my car and went to her. I gave her a hug and a kiss to her temple, and she gave me a kiss on my left cheek, which made me smile and feel those butterflies in my stomach again.

I led her to my car and opened the car door for her, I always do it, even if we have misunderstandings sometimes. I went inside my car and drove off.

"My baby's tired?"
I said while driving, and I saw her nod at me while pouting in my Peripheral vision.

"Did something happen, love?"
I asked her.

"It's just that my schedule these days is packed; I want to take a rest, even if it's just a day with you" she said, and I held her hand using my right hand.

"I'll talk to your manager, okay? We'll spend the day tomorrow" I softly said, which made her smile.

I arrived at the Italian restaurant that my friend, Chompu, had recommended. We went inside the restaurant, and the waiter led us to a table near the window that is facing the ocean right now.

Charlotte is fascinated by the view outside. It may be dark already because it's already night, but the moon and stars are shining so perfectly that they reflect on the ocean.

This restaurant has this romantic and homey vibe, and I'll thank Chompu for recommending it to me, but it made me curious about who went with her to have a date here.

The waiter went to us, and we just ordered their best-selling food here.

"Isn't it pretty?"
I heard Charlotte ask me.

"Yes, it is"
I said while staring at her as she watched the view outside.

Minutes later, our food came and we started eating, and I started asking her how her day was like I always did every day.

"It's tiring, but I'm glad that my pictures came out really good!" she enthusiastically said, which made me smile widely.

"Oh really? When will they release it? I think I had to be ready because for sure you fans will say that you're theirs again" I jokingly said, and it made her laugh.

"I think they'll release it next month with the launch of their new product" she said, and we ate in silence again.

I cleared my throat, getting ready for this moment.

"Charlotte, it's already been 5 months since I started courting you, and you never failed to make me fall in love with you deeper as the days went by, and I wanted to ask you if you want to be my girlfriend, darling"
I said, and it made her shock.

So, Charlotte, will you be my girlfriend?" I nervously asked her.

"It's okay if you're not ready yet, you can take your time, no pressu-"
I said, but before I even finished my sentence, she said something that made me really happy.

"Yes, I would be your girlfriend, Engfa"
she said while smiling, and I couldn't help but stand up and hug her.

She hugged me back, and we put our foreheads together, and I asked her.

"Can I kiss you?"
I asked her softly, and she just leaned toward me, and I felt her soft lips touching mine.

Our lips moved in sync, and we stopped to catch our breath.

"I love you, Charlotte; this is my promise ring that I'll love you through our ups and downs" I said as I showed her a gold ring.

"I love you too, Engfa" she said, and she lent me her left hand. I put the ring on her index finger, and we kissed again.

Finally, she's already mine, and I'm already hers, and I won't let go of these hands forever.

After our dinner date, we proceeded to my house and spent the night together.

The following morning, I awoke to find Charlotte soundly dozing on my arms while I gazed in awe at this stunning creature.

After some time has passed, she is beginning to awaken. Her eyes are blinking as she tries to adjust to the light.

I kissed her on the temple and whispered, "Good morning, love."

She gave me a closer hug and said, "Good morning, love."

She was silent when I inquired, "Love, today is your day off and also our first day together; what do you want to do today?"

I looked at her, and this sleepyhead is sleeping once more.

- T H E   E N D -

Hi! I appreciate you reading my little narrative. I value your votes and feedback. So please fasten your seats and I'll see you in my upcoming stories! We're just getting started ;)

Take care for those fans who'll attend their fan meet here in the Philippines. I hope all of you will have fun tonight!

- itsdriaaaa_

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