Baking With Daffy

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"Apron, check!"

Daffy finished up tying a white apron around his waist.

"Cook book, check!"

He hoisted a giant book onto the counter of the kitchen.  It made a loud thud and a cloud of dust pooled out. 

"Alrighty, I think I'm all set!" Daffy grinned, a stream of wild giggles following his statement. 

"Let's see, 'how to make brownies'" Daffy flipped to the correct page and skimmed over it.

"Preheat the oven to 350.  Okie dokie!"

He let out another cackled and hopped off of his stool, making his way to the oven. 

Just as Daffy was fiddling with the appliance, the door to the kitchen swung open.

"Oh, hey Stripe!"

"Daffy!? What are you doing?"

"I'm baking!" Daffy laughed maniacally, his eyes twisting in all directions.

"Oh, great" Stripe made his way over to the oven.  He hesitantly watched Daffy punch in the numbers 3-5-0.

"Do you even know how to work that thing?" Stripe asked.

"Course I do!"

"Really? Cus last time you tried to cook you almost burned the building down."

Daffy giggled and waved his hand dismissively.

"That was the past, I've grown since then!"

"That was last Tuesday" Stripe rolled his eyes. 

"Whatever.  Brain gave me a quick safety lesson-and lecture- so I'm all set to use this bad boy!"  Daffy patted the side of the oven. 

Stripe sighed and folded his arms.

"Alright, fine.  So what are we making today?"

Daffy walked over to the fridge and started to gather ingredients.

"We?  Who's we?" Daffy asked, grabbing a gallon of milk and balancing a carton of eggs on his head. 

"Well obviously I'm going to have to stay in here and supervise you while you cook" Stripe watched cautiously as Daffy struggled to hold all of the ingredients.

"What?  Psh, I don't need supervision!  I can totally handle myself!"

The carton of eggs suddenly slipped from the top of Daffy's head.  Stripe dove towards the ground and caught it just in time. 

"Hehe, good catch" Daffy smiled nervously.

Daffy set the rest of his the items on the counter and let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Fine I guess you can be my assistant chef"

Stripe dusted himself off and set the eggs on the counter with the others.

"Good cause I wasn't taking no for an answer" he grinned at Daffy. 

Daffy stuck his tongue out at Stripe and then hopped on his stool. 

"Today we are making, drrrrumroll!!"

Daffy pounded on the counter and slid the cook book over to Stripe.


Stripe skimmed the page and nodded "ok, I can deal with that"

"Great!" Daffy erupted into a fit of laughter.

"Sooooo first order of business!" Daffy leaned down and squinted at the book.


Stripe waited for Daffy to finish.

"...Preheat the oven?" Stripe finally spoke up.

"Oh, yeah!  Good thing I already did that!" Daffy pointed at a small icon of an oven at the top of the page that had a '350' in the middle of it.

"Now after that we..." Daffy squinted at the page again. 

Stripe peeked over Daffy's shoulder and read the part of the page that Daffy had his finger on. 

"Put the two eggs in the bowl with the sugar and cocoa powder..." Stripe read aloud. 

"Yeah!  That sounds right!" Daffy nodded.

This behavior got Stripe thinking. 

"Daffy, can you read?"

Daffy's eyes went wide and his mouth pinched into a small frown. 

The silence dragged on for an eternity before Daffy hung his head in embarrassment.

"No" he muttered quietly.

Stripe's jaw slacked and his eyebrows raised in shock.

"How were you gonna bake something if you can't even follow the instructions? How have you been baking without instructions?"

"I usually just look at the pictures..." Daffy shrugged and pointed to the symbol of the oven at the top of the page again. 

"Sheesh, no wonder you almost burned this place down"

"Please please PLEASE don't tell Brain I can't read!! Do you know how many boring lessons I'll have to sit through if he finds out?!" Daffy cried, clasping his hands together in a pleasing motion. 

"Ok I won't"

"WHEW" Daffy wiped imaginary sweat from his forehead.

"ONLY if you promise to never cook or bake alone" Stripe finished.

"Fine, whatever" Daffy shrugged.

"Now let's get to baking!"


Daffy pressed his face onto the oven glass, eagerly.

"Ooooh, baby they smell so good!"

"Yeah, sure, just don't create a fire hazard" Stripe pried Daffy from the oven and pulled it open.

He reached for a nearby pair of oven mitts.

"Safety" Stripe gestured his mitt-covered hands towards Daffy.

"Psh" Daffy rolled his eyes up before they twisted in two different directions.

Stripe pulled the brownies out of the oven and set them on the counter.

"Yayyy we did it!!" Daffy hopped up and down and he looked proudly at his dessert.

"Yeah, yeah, now let's put up the ingredients while we let it cool"

Stripe headed back over to the counter and picked up a container with sugar in it.  He turned the container around in his hand and something clicked for him.



" this what you used for sugar?"

"Yah, why?" Daffy joined Stripe over at the counter.

"Daffy this is SALT!"

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