A Heart Full to Bursting

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Author's Note:
I apologise for the delay between Part II and this final Part III. I've had a difficult few weeks at work and I can't write when I'm tired, the words just don't flow. But here it finally is! The conclusion to Neteyam and Seyla's journey. This part is more emotional than the last, but it's no less spicy. Enjoy!


It had started as a dull ache at first, just a mild pressure in Seyla's chest that niggled at her throughout her days; three unspoken words whispering and swirling gently in the tender depths of her heart. I love you...

She kept them a secret.

The small ache had then grown, ebbing and flowing like the modest currents of the spring water streams that ran down through the mountains and hills, feeding into faster-flowing waters. And as more time passed, the three words began to chant themselves louder within her, the ache surging into capricious currents like river rapids that frothed and churned, filling her heart with a deep yearning to speak what she felt aloud. I love you, Neteyam...

But still, Seyla kept her lips sealed.

Now, the three unspoken words roared like furious thunder in her soul, demanding to be freed so they could dance on her tongue and slip past her lips into the realm of spoken truth. It was almost unbearable how full her heart felt, so full it was close to bursting. The pressure was almost akin to pain.

Seyla did not know whether it was her timidity, her fear or just plain youthful inexperience that caused her to cling on so tightly to her silence. Perhaps it was a combination of all three. She had no doubt about her feelings; there was nothing she felt more certain of in her life. She loved Neteyam. Her heart was his to possess and yet she could not find the courage to speak the words.

The only times she was distracted from the agonising ache was when she was deep in concentration; focused singularly on a complex healing task at work, or focused so entirely on Neteyam during another one of their lessons. Indeed, her heart was not the only thing too full of him at the present moment. Her mouth was currently also too full to speak the verity in her heart even if she wanted to.

A deep, rumbling moan sounded from Neteyam as his hands threaded themselves into Seyla's beaded braids where she was knelt before him, his cock in her mouth. His grip was firm and her braids pulled against her scalp where he had fisted them in his hands, but the slight pain was pleasurable, Seyla found.

Running one hand in a tantalising caress along the inside of one of his thighs, she moaned keenly, bobbing her head while she worked his beautifully hard length in and out of the wet heat of her mouth. Her other hand was wrapped tightly around the base of his cock where it was too far down for her mouth to reach, and she stroked him in time with the bobbing of her head.

A string of expletives ground their way out from between Neteyam's gritted teeth, "Fuck, that feels so good. You're getting too good at this, numeyu (student)."

Hollowing her cheeks and drawing up his length with a long, slow suck, Seyla's lips popped free of his cock with a soft slurp and she looked up at him through coquettish eyes, "Mm, I've got a good tutor."

With her bright green eyes never leaving his, she stuck her tongue out and began to run it in a slow swipes from side to side against the sensitive, ridged underside of his cock head. The move earned her a strangled grunt from Neteyam and a little spurt of pre-cum against her tongue, salty and sweet. His head lolled backward against the bark of the tree he was leaning against and she revelled in the way his breaths came in deep heaves; each one causing his broad chest and shoulders to expand and contract raggedly.

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