Cigarette delight (stans pov)

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I had to make him mine! But how? There was no way he would go out with a messed up drug addict freak like me...I knew I had to change that!
I soon got home and walked into my room. I went under my bed and pulled out my stash of alcohol and drugs and threw it in a big black trash bag. I won't be needing these! I walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I needed a new look! I went inside Shelly's room and took her hair bleach. Oh yea! This will work! I went into my room and started to apply it onto to ends of my hair. Maybe this was a bad idea..No! It wasn't I needed to impress Kyle! I let it process in my hair for a bit then rinsed it out and dryed my hair. I made my way to my mirror to find a yellow mess! I looked like a lemon! Shelly made her way into my room and looked at my hair. "Did you take my hair bleach Stanley?!" She said with her lisp. "Uhhhh..yea..." I mumbled. I looked like a mess! "Here I'll get the toner" Shelly said as she made her way into her room. She came back with a bottle of toner. "Ok Stanley come here!" She lisped as she grabbed me. Her helping me made me feel..happy. I hadn't felt this way in so long. Soon enough she finished. "So do you like it turd" she said as she elbowed me. I looked into the mirror. "Are you kidding! I love it!" I said as I hugged her. "Ok Stan you can let go now" she said trying to get me off. There was just one more thing I needed...a new outfit. I couldn't wear the same thing from 4th grade! I needed something more...edgy! I made my way into my dads closet to find a stash of tegridy farm t-shirts. This will do! I said as I continued my search. I later found some old baggy jeans! Perfect! I went inside Shelly's room to thank her again and spotted a piercing gun....I grabbed it and raised it to my eyebrow. This is a horrible idea. *click* it was done. I had just gave myself a eyebrow piercing. Later it was the next day and I walked into school with my new outfit and hair! Everyone didn't seem to care but Kyle. He was starring right at me. "Hey kyle!" I said waving. "Your hair?" He said in amazement. "Oh yea I bleached it last night and I also have a eyebrow piercing!" I said as I lifted my hair to reveal the piercing. "That's so cool!" Kyle exclaimed. I could tell he was impressed now to make him more impressed. "So I finally decided to quit.." I said in confidence. "That's great Stan! I'm so proud!!" He said as he reached in and hugged me. I couldn't help but blush and tear up. "Thanks!" I said as I hugged him back. "So what made you decide to quit?" He said as he placed his hands on my shoulders. I couldn't tell him I was doing it for him! "Uhhh no reason" I said as a chuckled. "Ok well that's still amazing im so proud!" He said as he hugged me again. "Well I gotta get to my next class!" I said as I walked away. I sat down in class and got on my phone. I scrolled onto insta to find a pick of a kid at our school smoking. God it made me want it. I needed that cigarette no no! I needed to stay away from it! I needed to get out! I ran out of the class and made my way to the bathroom and sat on the bathroom floor and started to cry. "No I don't need it!" I repeated over and over again. I needed to stay sober for Kyle! I was having a panic attack. I was hyperventilating and then someone stepped inside the was Kyle! "Omg Stan Are you ok!?" He said as he ran to me. I was gasping for air there was nothing for me to say. I was hopeless. "Dude calm down I'm right here!" He said as he hugged me. I felt a sense of comfort. I reached over and hugged him and I dug my fingers into his back. "I'm sorry.." I said as I gasped for air. "Stan don't be sorry it's ok! Do you want to tell me what happened..?" He said as he sat next to me on the ground. "I-I just...I don't know...I just can't run away from my addiction..." I said as tears poured down my cheeks. "Stan I'm here to help you! If you ever feel like smoking or drinking come to me. Ok?" He said looking at me. I looked into his eyes. I wanted to kiss him so bad. I leaned in and kissed him....

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