A stay at the hospital,

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Tommy POV ::

"Dude you have to be more careful!!" Ranboo yelled to Tommy who had just gotten away from siren by an inch.. Tommy was bruised and cut up, Tommy's other best friend, tubbo, was healing up Tommy, cleaning the blood and covering the bruises with foundation "you're lucky you have us.." tubbo said to Tommy with a sigh "okay okay I get it!!! Godd.." Tommy groaned loudly "Tommy, I think you should take a break from this whole thing.." Ranboo said as he hugged him, Tommy immediately pushed him off and stood up "no way!!!" He protested as he limped back wards.. "Tom you can't even walk.." tubbo pointed to his weak legs

"Shut up tubbo.. just- don't fucking call me okay?" Tommy had anger issues.. they were really hard on him.. he picked up his dirty suit and left their house as he walked the dirty retched streets that was London.. rats snickered in his direction all around. He finally got to his house and stood up straight and put on an act.. he knocked on the door

"Tom?!? Where have you been????" Wilbur immediately pulled him inside and began to scream and lecture him.. great.. just awesome.. tears stung Tommys eyes as Tommy ran off to his room on the third floor crying, he ran in and locked the door.. his head swirled as he took deep breaths trying to calm down but he couldn't.. he just broke down crying, his solution? Playing guitar. Sure he had scrapped his hands a bunch while climbing towers but.. what else could he do?

He picked up the guitar Wilbur had gifted him for his birthday and plugged it in as he started to play advice by Alex g.. he mumbled the words to it as he cried his eyes out.. he had messed it up with tubbo and ranboo, and now with his family.. great.

Tommy just sang his heart out screaming the lyrics until his voice was gone, until his throat was hurting, until his fingers bled.. he put the guitar away and then jumped out his window hanging on another window as he slowly but safely fell down all of them and to the pavement. He took a deep breath looking at his house, he looked once more and then ran far far off, he ran and ran not stopping.

He ended up at the beach. He laid down and looked up at the stars for hours until he finally fell asleep..

He woke up.. in a dark pitch room.. he moved around and found a light switch, when it turned on.. he saw phill, techno, and Wilbur all dead.. tears poured down his eyes as he screamed and screamed crying and sobbing..
Tommy woke up.. it was a nightmare.. he looked around seeing he was still at the beach.. he checked his phone.

57 missed calls "Wilby"

64 missed calls "techno"

78 missed calls "Dadza"

67 missed calls "bee boy"

89 missed calls "boob boy"

423 new messages.

Shit. Was all Tommy could think.. what was he going to do??? He'd get screamed at.. again.. he just curled up into a ball hugging his knees and ducking his head down as he sobbed and sobbed he knew he was in so much trouble.. he could already hear the screaming.. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING???" "TOMMY ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!" All their voices screamed and pounded on his head.. he was shaking, his chest felt heavy, he started to cough like crazy. Soon enough he coughed up blood.. a lot of it, onto his hand. He stared at it in shock.. that's when he remembered, yesterday while fighting Wilbur he had banged his ribs on a corner of a building..

Guess it only caught up rn.. before Tommy could even take another breath.. pitch black..
Beep.. beep... beep.. beep.
Tommy was strapped to a bunch of machines.. he looked around the room when he noticed some random guy sat on a chair next to his bed, he didn't recognize him.. "h-hello..?" His voice was scratchy.. the guy looked up to see Tommy awake, he smiled softly "good to see you awake kiddo" the guy said to Tommy and hugged him.

Tommy just stared.. frozen, the hug was warm.. it was comforting, slowly he hugged back and started to cry on the man's shoulder "shhh it's okay. You're safe Tom.. I'm here." The man said, hugging him firmly. "Who-who are you?" Tommy couldn't tell who it was.. he'd never met this guy ever so why did he save him?? Why??? "James, James marriott." He simply said, Tommy felt that the name sounded familiar but from where? Doesn't matter, Tommy decided to just hug him and cry.
And so he did, for hours on end.. James ended up sleeping on the chair next to Tommy.


One and a half weeks had passed, Tommy woke up and saw that James was on a call outside "Wilbur?? Dude I don't know!!! I already searched around!!" James argued over the phone, Tommy realized who James was. Wilburs best friend.. it clicked, wil must've told James to find him.. so.. did that mean he didn't care.? Tommys thoughts crowded him and his anger boiled.. he broke down crying..

James saw him crying and ran in to Tommy "tom???" He said as he tried to give Tommy a hug but Tommy just kicked him away "you liar!!! You don't give a shit about me!!!" Tommy accused him.. "Tom what are you on about??? I care so much!!!" James protested

"NO YOU DONT!!! WILBUR TOLD YOU TO!! YOUR SUCH A SNITCH!!!" He got really angry.. he started to break down.. James pulled him into a hug.. "tom.. I do care. I care a lot, so much infact. Please.. don't say I don't care.. breathe.. I'm here for you okay? I won't let them know I have you. I won't." James assured him.. Tommy instantly calmed down at his words.. he trusted him.. his phone rang and he took a deep breath and answered it then put it on speaker, he muted, just as he thought.. "THOMAS GET HOME RIGHT NOW." Wilbur screamed over the phone

Tommy went to talk.. "I'm.. I'm on my way will.." Tommy said "YOU FUCKING BETTER BE. WHEN YOU GET HERE DONT EXPECT ANY PITY." Wilbur screamed and hung up.. Tommy got his stuff together and hugged James " can I visit you tonight James?" He said with tears in his eyes.. "you won't have to visit because I'm going with you." *he held his hand and walked with him to his house, James had Tommy behind his back
Wilbur opened up "James-?!?! What the fuck are you doing here?!?!" Wilbur shouted at him "Helping Tom." He replied and budged passed him with Tommy keeping Tommy safe, Tommy had a bunch of bandaids from all the shots so everyone had eyes on him..

James hugged him "you'll be okay. Do you want to stay here or stay with me for a bit..?" He asked kissing his head to comfort him. "I think it's better if I stay.. they'll only get even madder if I go.." James held him "text or call whenever okay Tomz? I'm here if you need me. One text away."

James hugged him and kissed his forehead before he left, he told something's to Wilbur and the rest of them and then left.. Tommy locked himself in his room crying..
Knock, knock, knock
"Can i come in..?"
1264 words
Thanks for reading sorry if this isn't good <3

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