Tree house with an American

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Tommy pov::

Tommy, was in his room hugging a old dirty plushy that Wilbur had given him for his 13th, it was a raccoon one, Tommy always found raccoons calming, and silly, not to mention he loved their chaotic vibes. that's what made him love them so much.. he just looked out his window waiting until he heard his family leave so he could go out and patrol.
Once they left he stayed sat on his bed, he decided to just go out and stroll around, talk a walk around the city. And that's exactly what he did.

Walking around the streets of Brighton seemed to calm Tom, especially since he had been tense all week.. he kicked around rocks and cans and whatever other sort of trash he could find.

He reached an empty building that had spray paint everywhere and decided to explore a bit.. on accident he stumbled apon dream, one of the city's top hero's.. I'm so fucked. Tommy thought to himself as he saw dream turn to him

"Who are you." Dream held a gun at him.. "Tommy, uh- Thomas. Nice to meet you dream." If Tommy was honest, he never liked dream, probably because dream was the only super hero that actually accepted to make those "stay in school, don't do drugs" videos, to Tommy it was pathetic. Also, dream was American, Tommy didn't like nor trust Americans, he knew not to trust them

To him all of them were liars. Also, American were just.. weird. What they did was weird, how they talked, what they called things, it always weirded Tommy out. Who else didn't he trust? People who liked dream the best. Like there was so many more!!! Tommy's favorite was the retired hero "The Captain" she was..

A goddess. As Tommy called her,, she was always his favorite even when he was younger, she was the only American Tommy trusted. Her and ranboo of course.

"Kid. You there?" Tommy snapped out of his thoughts "sorry, zoned out, what are you doing here?" Tommy wouldn't have ever expected that dream, out of everyone, would be in such a poor place of brighton.. it was the places with most crime. But, due to the fucked up system, only the rich people got protection, I think that's probably another reason why Tommy liked The Captain, she had only quit because she wasn't allowed to help the ones in need, the poor, as the system called them,

Who were "The System"? The ones in control of everything, everything with super hero's anyway, Tommy hated the system.. they were Mean and just.. dickheads. They were meant to protect. Not only the rich, but the poor as well.

How the system worked was the ones in control would get reports of crimes being commit, then they would give out crimes for the hero's to do, now I know what you're thinking.. if they are only allowed up where the rich are then why the fuck does Tommys family work where the poor are?

Quite simple actually, they don't work for the system, meaning they aren't seen as hero's, rather some blokes who got lucky, have super powers, and use them for good.. so basically a hero- just.. not well known if that makes sense

"I'm hiding out, making plans yk.. hero stuff.. why are you here, you're trespassing." Dream said to him, his arm bleeding, Dream held the wound but Tommy could see the blood seep through the cracks of his fingers. "If I'm trespassing then so are you. You're bleeding."

Tommy went over to him and got bandages from his backpack as he started to wrap his arm up with them, he finished up "you were always a weird cunt you know that right." Tommy said with a straight face

"Wha- what did I do??" Dream looked at him confused but close to bursting out with laughter "be American, it's weird, also I hate those "don't so drugs" videos you're in, your acting is shit and it doesn't work, basically every kid at my school is doing drugs." Again Tommy said bluntly

"Why don't you tell them anything?" Dream replied as he looked Tommy up and down "because it's not my problem. They'll do what they wanna do, and I'll turn a blind eye. They're the ones that'll get the consequences, not me. Anyway, do you need somewhere to stay? I know you live up north, you're in the south."

"Oh shit I am? Fuck.. yeah, couldn't hurt I guess.. but how do I trust you, and will your family be okay with it??" Dream started to get his stuff ready

"Well, they don't really care for me. Not after what I did, plus we can stay somewhere else, not my house, better off if you don't meet them. Come on, what's your name, like name name, yk? Like, real name.. or is that too personal?"

"Clay, Clayton actually. Last name wastaken, what's your last name?" They both walked and talked with each other

"Minecraft, stupid I know, but.. it's what I got stuck with, anyway.. why do you trust me?"

"Because.. you seem trust worthy, also you seem like- 15 or 16. Hey, how about this, we both tell each other our darkest secrets?"

"Hm.. sure. You start."

"Well, hm..oh-.. I'm in love with my best friend but.. I don't think he feels about me in that way. And plus he has a girlfriend, Alice or something"

"I hope you two end up together, probably a good couple, anyway.. Okay.. promise you'll keep this to yourself only. So.. I'm apollo, if you even know who that is..?"

"Wait- you mean the one the syndicate is always chasing???" Dream seemed shocked "so this whole time they've been chasing a 16 year old?!?! Dude.. that's fucked.."

"Well that's what happens when they think you're a villain.. which- dw, I'm not."

"So- what are your powers then??"

"Don't got any, but one of my best friends is the master of engineering so he made my suit."

"Awh man that's sick!!"

"Thanks, you're actually not as bad as I thought you'd be" they arrived at a tree house, it was from when Tommy was younger him, Wilbur, and techno built it, and by "built it" I mean techno and Wilbur paid phill to make it

"Good to hear I'm not a bad American, wait- Woah- dude this look so cozy!!" Dream and Tommy got into the treehouse and there was food and drinks and cozy small beds.

"Shall we sleep?" Tommy laid down and so did dream, soon enough they both fell asleep, Tommy started to sorta see dream as another brother, maybe because he was fighting with Wilbur and techno and he needed to cope, so to him.

James and dream were his brothers for now.
1139 words
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