Seducing CJ

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One day, I had a really shitty day.

From nine to six, I was at the studio, working tirelessly on the album. This is typically something I find enjoyable, however this particular day was insufferable: everybody I work with seemed to be in a bad mood. My producer was bitching about the deadline, handing out stress like birthday gifts. My pianist was complaining about his broken pinkie...constantly. The recording guys had constant technical difficulties with the equipment, trying to blame the screw-ups on my post-laryngitis voice. And, to put the cherry on top, the replacement guitarist was being an ignorant assfuck about my sexuality. Which was a perfect end to a perfect day, if I do fucking say so myself.

Naturally, as soon as fled the house of grumps that was my studio, I called my best friend in LA. Tyler Oakley. "Put on something hot and come pick me up at the studio." I followed the pick-up with no time for a hello. "We're going to the gay bar."

My frown twitched upwards a little when I heard Tyler's famous laugh. "Whoop! Whoop!" He cheered musically. "It's like y'all are readin' my mind, Troyesivan! I'm on my way!"

Waiting for Tyler to get me, I tried quite hard to shake off my dumps. The gay bar, I thought of; this was just what I needed. Some cold drinks, hot and heated strangers I can view with no argument—converse with no necessary sophistication. My tense body was ready to get shitfaced—ready to move with some freedom—and even my twitching fingers knew it was nearing time to let go and have some fun.


"The line isn't that long..." Tyler winced, his statement nothing but hopeful thinking. We were outside our favorite club, ready and rearing to party, but the line was nearly stretched around the corner.

I sighed dramatically. "Are you kidding me right now?" I growled, anger bubbling in my throat.

"Whoa." Tyler laughed, raising his eyebrows. "Somebody's cranky."

"I just wanna party!" I whined, grabbing Tyler's wrist and pulling him along. "C'mon, we're basically regulars, they'll probably let us cut!"

Tyler shrugged, following me to the front of the line. "Well, my flirting does make Josef weak in the knees." He admitted, referring to the bouncer, Josef Earl. And I was relieved for my friend's skillful seduction game, having witnessed the intense blush that had spread across Josef's face during prior visits; I was sure that Ty could get us in. However, there was a slight problem.

Tyler's frown deepened as we neared the entrance. "That's...not Josef." He said, pointing curiously towards the door. "Since when did they hire a new bouncer?"

I cocked my head to get a better view: Ty was right. The bouncer was definitely not Josef. I stepped a little closer, observing the sweet looking guy guarding the club door. He was dressed in a slim fitting black dress shirt and black skinny jeans, a clipboard in his hand and a walkie-talkie clipped onto his waistband. He was slightly built, almost as short as Tyler, with sparkling eyes and a cute, chestnut fringe. Standing instinctively on his tiptoes, bouncy and happy, his countenance pleased me. He seemed like a pushover.

I gestured confidently for Tyler to go ahead. "He doesn't look that intimidating." I assured. "And you're the queen of flirtation so..."

"You're right." Tyler nodded matter-of-factly, his ego visibly bloating at the praise. He smiled sensually as he fixed his hair. "Watch out, little twink...Ty's on the prowl."

I laughed, becoming more and more anxious as I watched Tyler work his magic on the petite bouncer. I wanted nothing more than to get inside, to bathe in coloured lights and deafen myself with the ear-splitting music. I was getting excited; we were so close to starting a well-needed night of fun. At least, I thought so, until Tyler came back to me, sulking.

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