Chapter 15

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"I'm glad you took up my invitation" The man called, standing face to face with the avatar. Kyoshi stood her ground as he approached where she stood.

"I'm here, now what do you want?" Kyoshi asked cooly, trying to keep her expression neutral.

"Right to the chase that's fine" The man shrugged.

"I'm not exactly here for pleasantries, one of your men said something about your spirit gathering" Even though Kyoshi thought the actions of this group to follow more closely along the ones of a cult, the man they had contained kept referring to them as gatherings. It would probably gain her more trust to refer to it as the same.

"Oh yes, he did an excellent job at delivering the news." He genuinely sounded pleased with the man who was placed in fire nation custody. Like it was all planned, maybe it was. Kyoshi thought that night where the men had attacked the wall. Only one guy had shown such evident signs of being linked to a spirit. It definitely wasn't any coincidence. I've been following his plan blindly. Kyoshi thought to herself.

"I heard that you require my assistance, that's why you were causing your little scenes all over town, wasn't it?" She asked, trying to keep the conversation moving.

"You sure do talk a lot, I guess that's how most women are anyways. Would you like to join me for some morning tea? We can go over questions you have about our little group, and then began induction procedures accordingly." She scrunched her nose at his comment, this was not going to be a fun week.

Kyoshi watched as all of the members' eyes followed her as she trailed behind the men into another room. It was all set up for tea for two, the teapot in the center of the table had steam escaping from the top. Other than that the room was completely vacant, nothing more than a dirt dugout. But the point was in her head that he had known she would show up.

"So tell me about your gathering you're running here" Kyoshi asked, taking her seat in front of him. The man laughed, as he clasped his hands in front of him. Even though he was still masked she could tell he was grinning beneath.

"Well, we are how you say a spiritual group looking to deepen our connections with the spirit world." Kyoshi looked at him unimpressed with his statement.

"We have made many connections over what little time we have had together. Amazing what you can accomplish when you share the same goals with others." He continued.

"And what is your goal exactly"

"To deepen our connections"

"Deepen or actually connect" Kyohsi asked, the man looked puzzled almost at her response. "I know you are forging with the spirits, so you don't have to go on with your whole deepen our connection  rants"

"He was right after all you really had figured him out" She bit the inside of her cheek, she shouldn't have given that information so loosely.

"How did you know that?" Kyoshi asked, trying to maintain her cool tone. Her mind flooded with the little bit of conversations she had had with the man. She had always tried to be careful about what she relayed to him. Mostly in case he got out, the thought of him connecting and being able to connect to spirits, and being able to talk with them had crossed her mind. But she hadn't actually anticipated that he could communicate with the other members.

"You can do more with spiritual connection than you may think."

Kyoshi nodded, but she still wanted more information about this man and the one locked away. Though she feared that the man would begin to shy away from her questioning.

"So you are also only able to connect with one spirit like Yun-"

"No" He said shortly. "Though Yun, bless his soul, had only taken the first step in this spirit, a revolution" The man replied, picking up his tea cup. "We will take it miles further. We have found ways to bond multiple people to a single spirit"

"Like a hive mind"

"You wouldn't believe the benefits"

"I can only began to imagine how useful having tools like must be especially for an early developing group"

The man replied with a confident nod, Kyoshi was sure he was grinning under the mask. "There's only one more thing..."

"Shot" He swirled the team around. Kyoshi did find it a bit stupid how he stayed masked and had asked her to tea, but by the looks of it he hadn't planned on taking it off to try the tea that she guessed was a sort of jasmine by the smell of it. But she wasn't risking it either for the sake of it being poisoned.

"Why do you need me? At first you threatened my presence near the fire nation with my life, and now you have invited me to join your group. What changed?"

He let out a huff." For a while most of my members refused the idea of you joining, considering what you did to Yun."

"That wasn't my choice"

"Wasn't it though"

Kyohis bit her tongue. "Either way you have now become an escalation part of our mission. Considering your connection with the sprints."

"You could have found any monk, they probably have far greater spiritual connections and knowledge than I ever will. So why me?" She was basically demanding answers at this point.

"I'm afraid that topic is off limits, until you are an official member of course."

"Exactly what's entailed in becoming a member of your group as you put it?"The avatar asked.

"Also off limits for the moment"

"And why should I trust you, that-"

"Your job is to keep the peace is it not? I assume that if you do join, the outcome will be more peaceful than the other choice." He said cutting her off.

"And if I refuse , what then? What will become of your group then if you can't reach the next level. You will simply exist at the same level you stand at now. From my knowledge this is leaning in the opposite direction of peace."

"But you see by accepting the invitation it is in your favor to help us, there is no record of our group, no record of any names. This groups is relatively indivisible expect for a couple reports."

"I don't see how that gives you any leverage"

The room felt colder, like the walls were almost made out of ice as the conversation countied. The tea still remained untouched by either party.

"If you refuse, or even try to target us, we have multiple locations that can and will report that you are interfering with a peaceful spiritual group. All they need is my word."

"You're threatening me with gossip? You think that wil;l really get you what you want" Kyoshi replied. This whole thing seemed to be a mess inside of her head. Maybe this was too much, she began to think. But then the image of the firebender crossed her mind. She had surely made her worried, and had tried to convince her that this was the best choice, the best way to proceed. She wouldn't just throw this opportunity away.

"Well is your reputation important to you, that people trust you. Would be a pity for people to lose that trust, I'd say most people became skeptical after what happened with Yun. I feel like people would be unhappy hearing your meddling in spiritual matters that weren't meant for you. And I haven't even began with the peace-"

"Fine, what's required to join your group?" Shew cut in shortly.

"I'm glad you asked"

As Kyoshi followed the man out of the small room and down a hallway she was unsure who to proceed. Even if she found a way to shut down their operations could he really just disperse that gossip like that. What was stopping him now? He could have already done the damage.

Doing this could be worth the price of keeping the peace. Was there really a point to stopping them, ever since the one man had been caught the attacks had stopped coming but that was just because they wanted something. It would be safe to assume they would keep causing anonymous crimes until they got what they wanted. But what did they want? There had to be more to the whole spiritual connections thing. What were they going to do with their spiritual links, and why was she now involved?

Kyoshi bit her lip, and she once again entered the room with the other members. "I believe we have our newest member in the making." He said proudly.

Alright another chapter done! Feel free to let me know how y'all are enjoying the split povs, personally I think it keeping it interesting. Anyways hope you enjoyed❤️

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