Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

**Liam's POV**

We have to adopt a child? Did I hear this correctly? What?

The boys and I don't know what to say. We walk outside in silence.

"Girl or boy?" Harry asked.

"Girl." We all said in unison.

"Ok." Harry answered. The rest of the ride to the orphanage was complete silence.

How do we even decide? Management didn't even tell us why we had to do this.

Who knows. Maybe this'll be good?

We walk up to the orphanage doors and knock.

A girl, about 13, answered the door. "Hello!" She said, perkily.

"Hi." We all said. Another girl came up to the door. She looked older. 18 or 19 most likely.

The younger one awkwardly walked away.

** Johnny's POV **

Well, that was awkward. I didn't know how to walk out of that... Five boys showing up at an orphanage? Umm I don't know what your thinking, but i was thinking someone was going to be leaving. Lol obviously though.

I walk to the room I share and sit on the bed.

"Your jealous." My best friend, Rachel, said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I don't know."

"Uhm ok. I have a feeling someones leaving today."


What? "Uhm. What? I meant getting adopted. Not dying."

"Oh thank God. I thought you meant you were DYING!" She exclaimed the 'dying' part. "Er. I meant going to die."

"No. No one is dying. Someone knocked on the door so naturally I opened it and there were five boys right there! It was like, pow! I don't even know what I'm saying anymore..."

"Ok then. Your able to make any conversation awkward. Who do you think they'll want? I mean.. Obviously we're not leaving. I mean who would want these freaks?!" She exclaimed, pointing to us.

"Exactly. Maybe like Grace? Or Jill? I don't know. They looked like teenage boys for Christ's sake!" I exclaimed. The next second Reese walked in and showed the boys us. That would've been EXTREMELY awkward if they had heard us.

"Uh.. Hi." I said, slightly getting red. This was so awkward.

"This is Rachel and Johnny." Reese said, motioning to each one of us.

"Whaddup." Rachel said. Each one of the boys smiled. Ugh. It's probably her who's going to get adopted. Yay.

They left the room and went... Somewhere.

"HOW COULD YOU?!" I practically screamed.

"WHAT?! WHAT DID I DO?!" She screamed, looking terrified.

"You had to say something like oh whaddup. NO. Now I bet you any money your leaving. Thaaankss." I said the 'thanks' sarcastically.

"Well, geez I was trying my best to be. I don't know. Somewhat like an eleven year old girl."

"And thats what eleven year olds say around people they don't know? I wouldn't know. I mean I'm two years older."

"Well, I don't know. I don't get to go outside and SEE THE WORLD!"

I sit there silent. We have never traveled or met someone outside the orphanage.

I pull out my phone and start doing some random scrolling on Instagram. Wait- hold up. "HOLY CRAP!" I exclaimed.

"What? What? What? You never say crap! What happened?"

"Well, I... Umm... Well... What... How... What...?" I hand her my phone.

"You didn't know they were One Direction?"

"Wonder what?" I asked, clueless.

"Ok. Those boys who came in are a British Irish boy band called One Direction. They are world famous! I love their music! I can't believe you haven't heard them yet! Omg just listen!" She said turning one of their song on.

"Your insecure, don't know what for..." It starts. The rest of the song is really great. They are really good.

"Wow! They're great!" I said.

"Yeah. I know."

I sit there and play each and every one of their songs. They are really good! Every song I just keep tapping and can't help it.

"Johnny. Pack up. Your leaving." Reese said, coming in the door. My jaw drops. Me? Why me? Crap no. What? No. I can't leave! No one wants me! How?

"What?" I said. That's all I could get out. Rachel has tears coming out of her eyes.

"Reese. I don't-"

"I don't care you have to leave. You've been adopted! C'mon you should be excited!" She said, perkily leaving the room.

"No." Rachel said with tears spilling out of her eyes. I can't help it either. As much as I hate crying in front of anyone I have to. We sit there crying in each others arms for twenty minutes.

"C'mon. Let's. Get. You. Packed." Rachel said in between sniffles.

"I'm sorry Rachel. I don't wanna leave."

"You have to! You'll be happier! It's fine! I have... Josie. And Rebecca. It's all good! Just keep in touch babe." She said. That broke my heart.

"O-ok." I stuttered. I packed all my things quickly. I'm assuming I'm going to be picked up tomorrow or something. Like everybody else who was adopted.

I still can't wrap my head around this. Why would anyone want little frail, shy me?



I got bored so I wrote this at a party I was forced to go to. I hate socializing. Lol. So Yepp. Hope you all like it!! Idk. I have like no experience writing fanfics and well, erm. I'm terrible at writing. I didn't really look over this either so yeh.

Well, I really hope you like this!!!!!


~ NiallGal

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