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"yeonjun? why are you up so early.." beomgyu yawned as he reached a hand up his shirt to scratch his stomach.

"beomgyu it's like 3PM" yeonjun looked at the wide eyed boy.

"deadass?" the raven haired boy doubted the older.

"deadass" yeonjun showed him his phone clock.

"GODDAMN" beomgyu clasped a hand over his mouth in horrific shock.

"i know, i said that too when i saw you in bed still, what time did you even sleep last night?" yeonjun took a sip out of his coffee.

"ok first of all, why were you watching me sleep? and maybe like.. 4.." he admitted, the time making yeonjun

"i needed my clothes.. a..and d-did you just say 4?? what were you even doing until 4??" yeonjun raised a brow.

"on my phone.." he wasn't admit the fact he snuck out to go the walmart, buy him a bear, write him a letter, put it all in a box, sneak back in yeonjun's house through the window, put it next to the door, then go to sleep.

"by the way, there was someone ringing the doorbell when i was about to sleep so i hope you don't mind that I answered it, there was a package so i brought it in" beomgyu pointed to the box that yeonjun didn't notice until now.

"oh! wicked!" yeonjun stretched over the sofa arm to grab the package. "come open it with me" he pat the empty spot next to him.

before beomgyu could even sit down, yeonjun already opened the box and took the bear. it was another basic bear but it's shirt said 'shit bitch you is fine'. he chuckled and put it aside to open his note.

hi yeonjun!!

im lowk tired 3_3!! i also ran out of $$$ 2 buy u better teddy.. im rly sorry! i'll get a job 2 support u n ur needs.. ur also dangerously close 2 finding out who i am! maybe if u were a bit smarter u wooduv found out by now ^3^ butt (hehe) it's ok! i luv u whether ur stupid or not <33

secret admire

"oh gyu, i kinda feel bad" yeonjun looked at beomgyu with eyes full of guilt.

"huh? why? what's in the note?" beomgyu yawned as he peeked at the note he wrote half asleep at 3AM.

"he said he ran out of money and that he'd get a job to buy more stuff" yeonjun pointed at the first few sentences.

"..oh interesting" beomgyu didn't know what to say. he knew what to feel though. he felt cringey looking at the notes he didn't even remember writing. he always wrote them at 3-4am, then delivered it the next morning when he woke up. he never bothered to look at what he wrote, but maybe it was good he didn't? yeonjun wasn't suspecting him at all, which was great. maybe he should pin it on someone?

"they write like hueningkai" he accidentally blurted. he was only THINKING of framing someone, he had no intentions on actually saying it.

"you're right! i'll confront him, but i won't tell you or else you might ruin his surprise!" yeonjun put a finger up like a light bulb in his head lit up. fuck, what was beomgyu gonna do? what if he gets caught? he doesn't want his and yeonjun's bond ruined.

"haha yeah, go for it" beomgyu was super fucked.

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