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damn, beomgyu was scared as hell. he put the blame on hueningkai and yeonjun believed it. and now he has a plan to catch 'hueningkai' in the act? should he just not deliver the box today? but wouldn't yeonjun find that suspicious? beomgyu was overthinking it. but what if yeonjun was actually really smart? nah.. smart and yeonjun in the same sentence don't match. beomgyu was going to be fine. but just to be safe, he should stop sending them.

ding dong

"got your ass" yeonjun smiled in glee as he walked towards the door and opened it. he grabbed the package and sat down on his sofa. he was excited, but he pushed that aside and opened the box first. it was a black bear with a heart that said 'i'm sorry'. why was he sorry?? did beomgyu tell hueningkai he knew? damn he knew beomgyu would snitch. he opened the letter and started to skim through it, yeonjun was already starting to get fluent in this secret admirer language.

dear yeonjun

this mite b my last letter bc i think u alrdy found out who i am :(.... butt if u do like me pls tell me b4 i flee the country n move away in shame :'(... i'm so srry 4 deciving u!! ill always remember u when i move on from my silly crush... 8_8.... i-i love u... yeonjun.........

former secret admirer out....

"ok angsty.. but anyways.." he put the note aside and turned on his phone and looked at the cameras he had installed outside his door. yes, cameras. he finally had the bright idea of putting up cameras to see hueningkai in the act. he already knew it was hueningkai, so why was he so shocked to see beomgyu at his door, ringing the doorbell, then running away? was beomgyu really in on this plan and filling in for him?? there was no way beomgyu was his secret admirer.. right..

he stood up and turned on his air conditioner, cause boy was he getting hot. he picked up his phone and dialed hueningkai.

"hello?" the voice on the other line spoke almost immediately after he dialed.

"hyuka? what's your sexuality?" yeonjun was straight to the point.

"not yeonjunsexual for sure.. and why are you asking me this.." the younger had a tint of suspicion in his voice.

"nothing nothing, can you cash app me like $150?" yeonjun like someone was about to die.

"ssssure??.." hueningkai said, almost like a question.

"ok nevermind thanks love you bye" yeonjun ended the call. he stood in the middle of his living room with eyes as wide as saucers. he couldn't believe it. his best friend liked him? for some reason his heart was about to break out his chest. oh— why did he suddenly start thinking about what beomgyu would be like as a boyfriend? his face was getting hotter by the minute. wait.

he threw his phone on the couch and threw his shoes on, but making sure to turn on the air conditioner first. then he ran the whole block to get to beomgyu's doorstep. he didn't bother to let himself catch his breath and started spamming the doorbell.

"beomgyu plea-please let me in" he panted. he spammed the doorbell even faster until he was interrupted by someone opening the door.

"yeonjun? what—" beomgyu was taken aback by the sudden appearance until he was pulled in for a hug.

"beomgyu. don't— don't lie to me." yeonjun tried to steady his breathing, but he just couldn't with his future boyfriend in his arms.

"..yes?" beomgyu hesitantly hugged him back. he was a bit nervous, why did yeonjun show up to his door and start hugging him? did he do something?

"did you.. did you write me those letters? and— and those bears.." yeonjun pulled away and held him by his shoulders and looked into his eyes.

"...do you hate me now?" he indirectly agreed. he slowly let his arms loose as he connected his eyes with yeonjun's.

"no, no nothing like that. quite the opposite actually" yeonjun laughed as he wiped the sweat off of his forehead.

"what—" he was cut off again by yeonjun pulling him again, but this time it was a quick peck on the lips.

"does that answer all your questions?" yeonjun smiled, watching as beomgyu slowly place a hand on his lips, eyes wide, and gradually turn red.

"..yes" beomgyu said after a while and grinned.

  "looks like you manifested being my boyfriend" the older snickered until he was hit in the arm. "ow—"

  "yeesh, at least ask me first" beomgyu crossed his arms. yeonjun playfully rolled his eyes and scoffed.

  "whatever, will you be my boyfriend?" he held beomgyu's hands.

  "nope" he grinned and kissed yeonjun.

  "i'll ignore that and pretend you said yes because i love you and you love me" yeonjun walked in his now boyfriend's house.

  "i got stuck with an idiot that took 2 years to realize i liked him" beomgyu laughed as he closed the door.

  "shit, you liked me since high school? yeonjun's head snapped back with wide eyes.

  "yeah, i used to kiss you??" the younger said like it was the most obvious thing.

  "not on the lips you didn't.." yeonjun rubbed his neck.

  "oh shut it i know you liked them either way" beomgyu slapped yeonjun's shoulder playfully than dragged them to his room.

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