Chapter 2: 𝕄𝕦𝕣𝕕𝕖𝕣 ℂ𝕒𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕝 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕

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Previously on The Lost Boys: Judgement Day...

As things are going back to normal for the Emerson family after the events of The Lost Boys, Michael Emerson meets Alice Jones and has second thoughts about his relationship with Star. Sam, Edgar, & Alan discover a terrifying secret in Hudson's Bluff. Lucy, Michael, Sam, & Alice discover a tragic scene at Grandpa Emerson's house. Grandpa Emerson is dead...

AUGUST 1, 1987

Michael Emerson POV:

Today is the day of Grandpa Emerson's funeral. I couldn't feel the sunlight on my skin. It began to rain outside. Everything felt so unreal. The funeral began at 6pm and right now it was only 8am. Star, Laddie, & Alice were going to be there. Me & Alice have become best friends over the course of a week. She's one of the nicest people I've ever met. Alice, unlike others make me feel welcomed in Santa Carla.

Sam hasn't come out of his room for days. My mom put a carpet over the dry blood in the living room. Nanook, our dog was blamed for biting Grandpa's throat out and was put down. Something seemed so suspicious about that. Nanook didn't seem like the type of dog to do that to Grandpa.

Right now, my mom was completely stressed out. Now that grandpa is gone, we could lose the house. Everything is going to shit now. I'm trying to help by getting money but my job as a garbage man on the beach isn't paying well.

My mom was sitting down. "Hey you, ok?" I asked.

She looked at me and nodded. I walked into the kitchen to get breakfast. There was something I didn't notice on the calendar. Grandpa was meeting with Widow Johnson the day he died here. What if Widow Johnson murdered him.

Alice Jones POV:

I let Maria inside and we walked upstairs to my bedroom. Me & her are going to the funeral later today. Me & Maria are best friends. I couldn't imagine a world without her. She's helped me and been there for me through everything. Maria works with Lucy, Michael's mom.

Maria sat down. "How's Mike holding up?" She asked.

"He's fine... Me & him have become friends." I responded.

Maria got up and walked to my Madonna CDs. "That's nice... just don't forget I exist!"

"I won't... he has a girlfriend anyways... so I doubt I'll ever get with him." I said as I got my funeral outfit out.

"Aha! So, you do have a crush on him." Maria laughed as she took a CD out.

"Did! Not anymore... I respect the fact he has a girlfriend."

"Lies! Absolute Lies!" Maria laughed.

I got annoyed. "Oh my god! I'm not lying!"

Maria put 'Lucky Star' by Madonna in my radio and it started playing. Maria ran over to me and grabbed my hands. She wanted me to dance & sing with her.

"You and Michael are def endgame, so I bet you by the end of summer you are going to be together!" Maria said.

Maria started dancing to the song. I don't like dancing that much. To be honest I can't really dance. It's just something I don't do.

"Starlight! Starbright!" Maria shouted while dancing.

Maria grabbed my hand. "Come on dance with me!"

"Fine... Fine!" I laughed.

We both started dancing. She was way better than me. Never in a million years will I be able to dance like her. I'm just regular, nerdy Alice Jones and I doubt I'll ever change.

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