Chapter 2

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Kaminari groaned into the table of the diner. His brain is already fried enough from the months of wedding planning and with them almost there, he couldn't help but feel like he's forgetting something so important! Not to mention it was 8 in the morning on a MONDAY! The worst possible day to be up early on!

After another heavy sigh, Kaminari's attention is caught by the placement of a mug next to his face. Shinsou, his wonderful fiancé, has brought him coffee. "I got you extra cream and sugar, so stop looking like the living dead. That's my thing."

With a bright smile at the violet haired man, Kaminari exclaimed to the sky as he raised his mug up, "Praise to the best husband in the world for fueling my sugar addictions!"

"Pffft," Shinsou snorted while gently lowering the hot mug. "I'm not your husband yet, that's next week."

"And yet you're overachieving before even getting the job," Kaminari stuck his tongue out, ready to sip before Shinsou stopped him again.

"Bitch, that job is mine and you know it. Also that is piping hot coffee, blow on it before you shut down from burning your mouth instead of sleep-deprivation." Kaminari would've complained more about not getting to chug the energy boosting dark liquid down, but also Shinsou was holding his hand. He loved when Shinsou holds his hand.

Then Mina dropped herself into the booth across from them. "Oh God! It's too early! Why didn't we agree to brunch?!"

"Because Midoriya has work right after this, and this works for everyone's schedules," Sero said with a chuckle. She still sunk her forehead to the table top with a groan.

Shinsou blinked at his phone. "You guys are way earlier than I thought. Would've ordered your drinks already if I knew."

Sero also glanced at his phone "We're 5 minutes early."

"Yes. Didn't think you could be early if you were dragging Ashido away from her bed." With that Mina made another dramatic groan.

Kaminari nudged his mug to her, "You can have some of mine, dude. I get enough energy from this beautiful man's touch." With that he batted his eyes dramatically at the latter, to which Shinsou responded with a sip of coffee.

"We all know I'm not sharing mine with y'all." He then kissed Kaminari on the head "I can still love both you and coffee at the same time."

"And our cats?" Kaminari mewed.

Shinsou nuzzled his nose in the shorter man's hairline, "and our beautiful cat children."

Mina's head launched itself up and she cooed, "Aw you two are so cute!" With another drop of her head to the table "but seriously, it's too early to be reminded of my non-existent love life."

"That's the point of this meeting, Mina!" The squad turned in time to see the sunny, and wide-awake trio approach them. Well, at least Uraraka looked sunny. Iida and Todoroki waved and smiled as calm as a gentle sea breeze.

Despite the energy the trio brought to the table, Mina still groaned "Ochako nooooo, the morning is too briiiiight."

Uraraka giggled as she took a seat next to the pink skinned girl, while Iida grabbed an extra chair to sit at the end, and Todoroki returned a stoic nod to Shinsou as he took a seat next to him. "That's what makes this a perfect time."

"I don't get it," Sero inquired inquisitively.

She clapped her hands together and smiled wide, "A wedding means new beginnings. The best time to plan new beginnings is the beginning of the day!" She then elbowed Ashido with a wink, "Plus meeting the man of your dreams at your bff's wedding is a pretty romantic beginning."

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