The basics

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The basics,
The first thing you'll need to know is meanings to some words about shifting, so here's a little dictionary.
Dr- Your desired reality ( where you would like to shift to)
Cr- Your current reality (the reality your probably in now , the regular one.)
Wr- The waiting room (more information on your waiting room in a couple chapters)
Now I'll tell you the interesting part, what shifting is (if you already now the definition then you may skip to the next chapter.)
So shifting is very complicated, so I'll make the explanation as short as possible.
Shifting to hogwarts or the Harry Potter realm has recently blown up on social media, you don't have to shift to hogwarts , but it's an option. Shifting is basically shifting your consciousness to a different reality. (If you don't understand then heres a more basic explanation- you can send yourself anywhere  you want , you can meet your favourite celebrity in your shifting session or make your favourite tv show real, and make yourself a part of it.) I know what your thinking 'How is this possible?" There's no scientific explanation but it is possible.
Here's just an extra piece of information:
Shifting isn't witchcraft or wizardry, it's something anyone can do! You don't have to have special abilities or be 'magical' to shift, everyone can shift if they put in enough work for it. Shifting will take a lot of work and time but it will all be worth it.

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