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July 24, 2025; 7.30 pm; Healing Room, The Sanctum Sanctorum, 177A Bleecker Street, Greenwich Village, New York City, New York

"Several aeons ago, when the Earth was still forming, when the Universe was but a fledgeling," Wong waved his hands to project the image of the dark galaxy before the shape of a woman took form amidst it, "the Supreme Being sent a woman to breathe life into the lifeless galaxy. Her name was Atheileisia."

"For years, She braved the journey across realms." Thor took over. "The first realm She graced, She named it Asgard. The air there was pure, the people strong. They lived long lives. She was satisfied with the way it was turning out to be so She only enhanced their strength some. The next realm She visited, she called Alfheim. She gave them the boon of magic. Pure and raw. And similarly to Vanaheim, then Svartalfheim, Jotunheim, Muspelheim, Nidavellir.

"When She reached Niflheim, she found it dark just like Svartalfheim but it was also lonely. The few people there were isolated so She claimed it for herself. She built a kingdom there." Thor smiled when he saw the numerous wide gazes. "Yes, my friends, you guess correctly. Niflheim is the Kingdom of the Dead." He didn't elaborate any more.

"The last planet She came to was Earth, or as Thor calls it, Midgard," Wong continued. Between Stephen and Wong, there was no doubt in who would lead the briefing. Stephen's knowledge on Atheileisia was not only sparse but also a mere few hours old. "Earth was the youngest and also the emptiest. There were no intelligent beings. It only consisted of vast expanses of land but the air was pure and soothing.

"It is said, since She stepped foot here, wherever She went, life formed. However, none of them were intelligent beings, not as on the other planets. Time passed, She waited, but there were no people. So, for the first time since She had started her voyage, She took it upon herself to form sentient life on the young planet.

"She created five beings. To each She gave a piece of herself. The first, She granted the ability to do magic and with that, an impression of her own wings. She called the woman Aine. The woman would later on come to be known as a Fairy."

"Fairies? They're real?"

Wong ignored the interruption. "To the second, She gave the power to shapeshift into a wolf. Atheileisia, herself, could take many forms so it is not known why She chose that particular animal but that is what she allowed to the second woman. She called her Aranyak, who would later on start the species of werewolves. Yes, they're real.

"When the chance came of the third to be given her power, she asked for magic. Atheileisia said she had already given that to Aine and could not repeat the same. So, the woman suggested she be given magic alone for she did not desire to fly. Atheileisia conceded and gave her the simple ability to perform spells. The woman was called Aurora, and she would later start the race of witches.

"The fourth said she loved water and requested to be allowed to stay there at all times. Atheileisia granted her her wish. She was called Adria and she was the first in the line of mermaids."

"Of course, mermaids are real!"

"Finally, when Atheileisia asked the fifth what she wanted, the woman said she was grateful for the life she had been given but she did not desire her current appearance. Atheileisia was bewildered for a moment but owing to her vast experience with other planets, She remembered the different types of beings and gave her the looks of a man.

"To him, She gave the power of not only shapeshifting but also to perform any single spell that he would manifest throughout his life. He was called Ezra and he was the first Lycan. He was quite close to Atheileisia's heart. He was the first man She had made and coincidentally, his name was the only one that did not start with the letter 'A'."

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