Chapter 3

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Smallear took a deep breath in, then released it with a shaky huff. His tail brushed against the ground. Halftail nudged him gently, and the toms held their foreheads pressed together for a while, before they turned around, clay and sand still beneath their claws. Redtail was now one with the forest. The elders padded back to the camp, and were relieved by the sounds and sensations of living. It was their grim duty to bury the dead, and while it was an honour, it was not an easy task. The elder toms made their way to their den, to wash away the soil that now hid the eversleeping body of the ThunderClan deputy. 

In Spottedleaf’s den, Ravenpaw was settled on a sunny spot, basking in the morning light. It made his fur appear brownish on his flanks, as he slowly breathed in and out. His eyes were half open, whiskers loosely twitching at the smell of different herbs, a mixture that told nothing to him, but the medicine cat could tell every scent apart.

“How are you feeling?” asked Spottedleaf as she brought him a small bundle of leaves, and examined the wound on his shoulder. Ravenpaw turned his head to look as well, and flicked his tail in dismissal.
“Fine”, he mewed. “Am I going back to training soon?” he asked, but the slight tremble in his voice told the she-cat that it was not something he looked forward to.

“Not for a few days. We need to make sure this wound won’t reopen”, she answered in a neutral tone, giving him a brief lick on the ear, like a mother to a kit.

“Just take it easy and rest, and you will heal just fine”, she told him. “And eat your herbs.”

Suddenly Ravenpaw got more alert, his ears perked up and he lashed his tail neatly onto his side. Spottedleaf turned around and her amber eyes met another similarly coloured pair. 

“Tigerclaw”, she greeted, nodding to the great warrior.

“Good morning”, the apprentice mewed quickly, licking the small white patch on his chest.

“Morning.” The warrior’s tone was flat as always. “I am here to see Ravenpaw.”

Spottedleaf bowed her head. “Of course”, she said, padding away as Tigerclaw watched her go. After she had disappeared into her den, he turned his attention to the jet-black apprentice.

“So, how are you doing? You seemed pretty pathetic when I last saw you”, he asked. “What shook you so?” the question was silky, almost if he cared how Ravenpaw was. But he knew his mentor was disappointed in how he had done. 

“I am better, thanks”, he said, falling silent for a long while. Tigerclaw didn’t bat an eye, just waited, his amber eyes flaming as he pressured the young tom to go on.

“I… at the battle - I froze. When I saw Oakheart jumping on Redtail… and then the sound Redtail made as Oakheart struck him. I just froze. A RiverClan warrior jumped on me, and I barely made it out of his claws. Then you told me to go run ahead, to tell the Clan what happened. I did, but then the pain became so much that I passed out.” His gaze was now drilled to the ground, shame burning on the tips of his ears. He didn’t see something flashing in Tigerclaw’s eyes, and how his shoulders dropped just a bit. He hummed. “I see”, he meowed. His tone was neutral, so neutral that Ravenpaw dared to look him in the eye.

“It happens”, the warrior meowed. “Perhaps I was wrong when I thought you were ready for battle.” He had sat down, but now got back onto his paws, then briefly touched Ravenpaw’s ear with his nose, then drawing back. “It has come to my attention that Bluestar wants me to switch apprentices. I agree that maybe you would do better under someone else’s mentorship. Someone more…” he took a long pause. “Anyway. I will continue with Dustpaw, and when you are well enough, you will be assigned another mentor.” 

Ravenpaw was completely dumbstruck. He opened his mouth, then closed it again.

He couldn’t believe the dark tabby spoke to him with such respect. And somehow it made him boil with shame.
“I- Of course, Tigerclaw.” He heaved himself up in a sitting position, then bowed his head to the warrior. “Thank you for letting me know. And… I am sorry for letting you down.”
Tigerclaw scoffed, flicking his tail. “Just make sure to do better in the future. The Clan doesn’t need cowards. I expect you to not be a burden to whoever your next mentor will be.”

Ravenpaw bent his ears backwards. “No, sir”, he answered.

“Good. Now do your best to heal up. We don’t have the resources to have an idle mouth in our midst either.”

“Yes, sir”, Ravenpaw said again, his mind swirling with thoughts. Tigerclaw let out an affirmative growl, then marched out of the den, the tip of his tail twitching. Ravenpaw waited until he was out of his sight, then slouched down and let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. His eyes were still round as moons, as a flash of grey appeared into his sight. He jumped a bit, but relaxed as he recognised Graypaw.
“Oh, it's you”, he muttered.

“I saw old Tigerclaw visiting you and I knew I had to come to see if you are still in one piece. What did he want? No - let me guess - he wanted you to grow a set of extra legs or wings and fly around pleasing him instead of being here?”

Ravenpaw just stared at him.

"Or did he take your tongue?” Graypaw asked, furrowing his brow. 

“He - he said I will be given another mentor, and that he will take over Dustpaw’s training. Bluestar’s orders.” 

Graypaw waved his tail from side to side, as he processed the news. “But that’s great! He makes you so jumpy even a crippled squirrel scares you out of your pelt.”

Ravenpaw blinked at his friend. “It’s just hard to believe. He was so… civilised about it.”

Graypaw bent his ear. “Look, I don’t want to sound rude, but perhaps he was keen on having a more… uh - well, another apprentice.”

“More brave one?” asked Ravenpaw bitterly. “Probably.”
Graypaw huffed loudly. “You know that’s not what I meant. But anyone can see that his mentorship doesn’t suit you. Even leaders make mistakes.” He settled down beside his friend, pressing his fur against Ravenpaw’s, and started to wash his ears.

“Just be grateful Bluestar noticed her mistake”, he continued diplomatically, and as his rhythmical strokes calmed Ravenpaw down, he sighed and let his shoulders drop.
“Perhaps you’re right.”

“I am always right”, Graypaw purred, nudging Ravenpaw on his cheek.
“Except when you are wrong”, the black tom scoffed, biting Graypaw’s round cheek gently in return.

“Got me there”, his friend muttered. The two settled in, sharing tongues and gossiping about camp-life. Graypaw always knew how to cheer others up, and Ravenpaw ended up falling asleep curled up against his side. From inside her den, Spottedleaf observed the scene, and as Tigerclaw made his announcement, she felt a weight shift off her heart. If Ravenpaw had continued under Tigerclaw’s leadership, he might have gotten way worse. Eventually it would lead to his mind breaking - or he could have had to leave the clan. It would not have been fair. 

As she watched the two apprentices mingling together, she purred to herself. Ravenpaw deserved this chance. 

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