His Jacket

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Libby looked at her best friend with an interested look on her face in school. There wasn't anything wrong with her, far from it actually, but she wore something different than usual.

Sure she wore the same clothes like she always does, with her white shirt, black shorts, purple skirt and a bracelet around her hand, but she wore something completely different. A jacket.

More specifically, Ollie's jacket.

Now there was nothing wrong with her wearing his jacket, but it was just so shocking to see a jacket that he wears and she looked happy as she was wearing it, well more than usual which was saying a lot.

She wasn't the only to notice Molly wearing his jacket, heck most of the student body noticed as well. Most of them even saying something about #Mollie or, what some people have been calling it, #Molliver, but it wasn't a huge issue. She mostly just denied those claims, leaving most of them to be disappointed in them.

Libby wanted to check on this, nothing more, nothing less, "Hey, Molly? Can I ask you something?" she asked her best friend as she turned to her with a smile on her face.

"Sure you can, Libby!" she said with enthusiasm in her voice, "What is it?"

"Well, something that has been in my mind for a while, and I just had to ask, why are you wearing Ollie's jacket?" she asked as then Molly's face flushed when she heard that question.

Ho boy, this is awkward.

"Uhm, well, you see... ahh," Molly began looking around nervously as Libby looked at her. How could she say something like that to her best friend?

"Yeah?" Libby asked as Molly looked around, so no one could hear them.

"Alright, yesterday, Ollie and I went out," Libby threw her hand triumphantly. Yes! One of her theories were correct!

Molly looked at her, confused. Libby coughed in her hand, "Sorry, my bad. Continue." she said as Molly then continued on why she was wearing his jacket.

"Back to where I was saying, Ollie and I went out yesterday, as friends," she emphasized on that last part, "as we went around Brighton, talking about how we can change his family's views on Ghost, on how we can improve Brighton, having some ice cream, as we were heading home, it was getting really chilly. It was getting a bit cold for me, so Ollie gave me this jacket that I could wear." she said as she blushed heavily as she recalled that memory of his cute little smile when he gave her his jacket as they walked home.

Libby smiled at her best friend as she knew the feelings she still had for the new boy in town and she was happy for her, but there was something that was confusing her.

"So why are you wearing his jacket right now?" She asked as Molly looked at her.

"I wanted to return his jacket to him." She said as Libby nodded, but she opened her mouth which Molly knew what she was about to say, "Before you ask, it was late at night when we returned so that's why I couldn't return it at the time."

Libby nodded again, as she raised an eyebrow, "So why are you wearing it now exactly."

Molly blushed again as she toggled off, "We-well, because it... is so warm, snugly, comfy, cudly, it smells like strawberries," she said as she continued to speak as Libby widened her eyes as a familiar person walked towards them, "and it is so soft to touch as if I am holding a massive marshmallow, it fits so well like it is the most comfortable glove ever made-"

"Hey, Molly." Molly eeped when she turned around to see Ollie with an amused face looking at her.

"Hey, Ollie." She said, very awkwardly as Ollie blushed looking at her as Molly did as well.

It was extremely awkward as Libby began walking away.

"Sooo, what are you doing here?" Molly asked as Ollie looked at her while scratching his neck.

"Well, I am here to tell you about the jacket you are currently borrowing," he said as he thought that it was so unfair on how cute she was wearing his jacket.

"O-oh, I understand, you want your jacket back huh?" She said as she slightly frowned, but Ollie had a different idea.

"Actually, I thought that you can keep the jacket." He said as Molly looked at him with shock.

"Wait, really?!" She asked with hope.

"Yeah! I mean, I do have a lot of spares so I thought to myself that I think that you should keep one since you deserve it." He said as Molly brightly smiled at him.

"Thank you so much, Ollie! I will keep it clean and safe!" She said as Ollie smiled as began walking away with a smile.

"Of course! I trust you with it." He said as Molly looked at his jacket.

Happy that she could keep his jacket.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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