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(July 20, 2023 Thursday)


P.E. Teacher:
Today we will have a P.E. class.

Find a partner
and see you all in the basketball court...

(Hestia looks at Davey)

Davey: who is your partner?

Hestia: I don't know..

(Look at Daniel)

Daniel: Do you have a partner?

Hestia: I don't have...

Davey: I ask first..
Daniel: it's her choice...

(Hestia: who will I pick?)

(The teacher walks out)

(Hestia: I need to pee)

Daniel: Where are you going?

Hestia: bathroom

(Ran away)

(Hestia put his bag
on the teachers table)

Chapter 10: J

(Hestia goes back to the room)

(The teacher goes back)

Teacher: oh! I forgot!

Team up with your same gender.
Male to male. Female to female.

Get ready... (Walked out)

(Hestia: oh my god! Thank you!)

(Puts her ID on her bag)

(Davey and Daniel walk towards Hestia)

Hestia: so I guess..

you two should be a partner.

Davey: no!
Daniel: no!


(Daniel and Davey are partners)

Teacher: Hestia!

Hestia: yes sir?

Teacher: take off your bracelet

Hestia: okay sir...

Davey: bracelet?

(Hestia walks away)

(The Teacher [Adviser]
goes to the room)

Teacher: I think they are in P.E. class.

(Saw an open bag on her table)

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