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There was a shy yet playful girl. She was a high school student when she met someone that she  never thought that would leave a permanent scar in her life.

The girl was in school as usual, soon enough it was break time. She was coming out from her classroom when she saw a certain person . It was the new kid who arrived from a foreign country and couldn't speak a little bit of their own language. He was on their way to the restroom with another kid since he didn't knew the way around as he was new.
She wanted to talk with him so bad but she couldn't, cause she was too shy to even stand in front of him. She was so interested in him that she already felt different about this guy, maybe that was what other's called 'love at first sight '.

Many days passed and still the girl didn't get the courage to speak to him, and the guy never noticed her presence maybe it was because she was always silent that  nobody noticed her presence. Day by day her feelings for him started to grow more and more.

Months passed now it was already time for their annual school trip, on the school trip day, the girl's best friend couldn't join her so she sat their alone in the bus, later a classmate of hers came and sat beside her. During the whole trip she started to notice small things that was happening and she just sat there without talking that much. The guy that she had a crushed on occasionally came and shared some small paper peices with that girl that was beside her. The girl then started to understand what was happening yet she  didn't dared to talk anything.

Months passed and it was already time for the next semester.
Still the guy couldn't speak that much of their own language but during school time the girl listened and enjoyed silently when that guy sing songs anytime. It was stupid but the girl liked it when he acted stupid. Even though the girl liked him, she never wanted to admit that she have feelings for him. So she pretended to hate him infront of her friends.
There was an extra class that the girl attended, sometimes the girl even saw the guy near that place, Most of the time, she only comes to that tuition class just to see him. Sometimes they both saw each other, often she waits for him without anyone knowing.
Soon enough the girl had to leave for another country . When she returned again, she couldn't find that guy, later she got to know that the guy had already left the school, the girl was sad but still she tried to find anything about him or any social media of him but she couldn't. Many years passed and still she couldn't forget about him. After all these years the girl had completely changed, most of the people blamed her attitude without knowing what even was going on with her life. She started to get depressed that she even forgot how to smile.

Oneday while the girl was using her phone she accidentally found that guy, she didn't wanted to let go of this chance so she decided to text him first. Soon enough they became friends as well as best friends. Still the girl didn't plan on telling her feelings for him as she didn't wanted to date anyone. But one day she confessed to him and soon they started to date each other. The girl broke her own rule just for him, maybe that's what love is. They dated for many months when the girl felt like he was not interested in her. So she told that to her best friend and she adviced her to break up with him, but the girl didn't wanted to break up cause she loved him more than herself. But one day the guy asked frm her to break up, she felt like her world felt apart. Because of him she learned how to smile again, just for him she started changing herself, but still the girl managed to agree with him to break up.
She cried till she fell asleep for so many weeks. But then she met someone and he always comforted her and helped her to regain her old self. But after a month the girl kept thinking about that guy and decided to leave him a message before going to sleep. A day passed they were now together again.
Day by day she started to understand what love really is and it was nothing as she imagined. At this point she understood that before she'd only a crush on him but now she was in love with him. One day her sister found out about her bf and forced her to tell it to her parents. They all forced her to breakup with him, when they broke up, she thought to get back together with him once she finish her studies
but maybe not all the dreams come true...

The end

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