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Aroura Grace Potter is a Vampire, Werewolf, and Scarlet Witch. Aroura is also the oldest Potter child and Harry's twin sister. The night Aroura went to visit Harry a certain headmaster killed her to ensure that she didn't become too powerful.

Aroura was reborn in the same time as the same person just a different name. She was now Marley Lillian Potter the oldest Potter child but she was not a twin anymore. Marley remembered certain things about her past life but not all of them.

Lily and James fell in love with Marley the moment they laid eyes on her. Nine years after Marley was born the couple gave birth to a baby boy and named him Harry James Potter. The young witch loved having her younger brother back but a prophecy changed everything. When the prophecy about the younger Potter child came out Marley was the forgotten child.

When Marley was close to her tenth birthday Dumbledore started to see the connection between her and the power she held so he made a deal with Lily. Part of the deal was to send Marley away and so they did just that. When Marley went missing James and his two other friends, Remus and Sirius, looked for her and never stopped.


Years later James, Sirius, and Remus never stopped looking for the oldest Potter child. When Harry got older he started to help his father and uncles look for his sister.

Now everyone was gathered in the living room of the Potter manner sitting in silence. Suddenly a light appears and a note falls out landing in Remus's lap. James walks over, grabs the note, and reads it.


The doors to the Great Hall open with a BANG! the Potters and Lupin-Blacks arrive only to find the Malfoys, Weasleys, and other parents there.

"Dad, what's going on?" Harry asks walking over to his father, mother, and uncles who were almost equally angry.

"I don't know your father wouldn't tell me but stay close." Lily says as she pulls Harry closer to her side. Her husband had yet to tell her what was going on or why they were at Hogwarts.

"What is the meaning of this letter?!" James yells as he holds up a piece of paper that he had received a few moments before.

"It seems that everyone got a letter Mr. Potter but unfortunately we do not fully know what is happening." Dumbledore says with the twinkle in his eye long gone and the feeling of nervousness in his gut but doesn't show it.

Out of nowhere, a bright light appears making everyone turn and shield their eyes. The sound of multiple thuds and then groans fills everyone's ears. When everyone turns they find ten new people. All ten of them were in one big dog pile. The witches and wizards quickly draw their wands and point them at the newcomers.

"Get off of me Ravi your crushing me!" A brunette woman yells making the man on top of her quickly jump off.

"Sorry, Marley let me help you up." Ravi says helping the woman to her feet as the Potters and Lupin-Blacks' ears perk up at the woman's name. They put their wands down as Harry goes to step toward the woman but his mother stops him.

"Marley." A man says in a whisper as he looked at the lost Potter child. Marley turns finding Major and hugging him immediately.

"Major thank god your okay." Marley whispers as she looks at her first and only love.

"Are you okay?" Major asks looking the woman over making sure she wasn't hurt in anyway.

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