1.1: Pilot

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A skinny and malnourished eight-year-old Marley is shown on the screen playing with two dolls.

"Marley you looked so adorable as a child." Major says causing Marley to shrink back and into her seat as she blushes. Major chuckles while James, Sirius, Remus, and Harry glared at him.

Lily walks into Marley's room with the fakest smile. The woman's smile falters before she walks over and kneels in front of her child.

"Hey, Marley. I need you to get ready because you and I are going on a big adventure." Lily tells the oldest Potter child making her grin at her mother.

"Can I take my dolly?" Marley asks as she bounces up and down from excitement.

Everyone in the Great Hall looks at Lily whose face doesn't falter.

"Of course but hurry so we're not late." The Potter child jumps up and runs over to put her shoes on. Once she's done she grabs her doll and jacket. Marley runs over to her mom who was waiting by the bedroom door and grabs her hand.

Lily apparate both her and Marley to a dark and almost empty street that wasn't London. The only ones on the street were her and... Dumbledore.

Everyone looks at the screen confused. Why was Lily meeting with the headmaster? Why did Marley need to go with Lily? Was what Marley said about Lily true? Did Lily give Marley away for money?

James looks at Lily but she just had a small smile on her face. James turns to Harry and the two just share a look.

"Did you bring the girl?" Dumbledore asks Lily who nods and pushes Marley toward the man.

"Obviously the girl is there she was standing next to her mother. It's quite obvious." Draco says pointing out the obvious and making Marley laugh.

Dumbledore roughly grabs Marley's wrist making her hiss in pain.

"Don't touch my daughter like that!" Both Eva and James yell before turning to each other and nodding.

"Mummy what's going on, who is this man?" Marley asks with her face scrunched up showing her obvious confusion. Lily kneeled in front of Marley the sweet and innocent look on her face long gone.

"Your brother Harry. He will need all of my attention and is much more important than you will ever be. So Dumbledore paid me to give you to him. You are useless and not good enough for the family I mean you haven't shown signs of any magic. So Dumbledore is going to take you far away."

James turned to Lily in disbelief. How could she do this to him to their family?

"What the hell is wrong with you? You gave our daughter away for money then gave me hope we would find her when you knew it wasn't true." James yells as he stands along with Harry, Remus, and Sirius. Lily stood and reached out to grab his arm only to grab air when he stepped back.

"These are lies I never did this I swear." Lily says trying to make up a lie so he wouldn't be upset with her.

"Oh yeah? Marley told us you gave her away for money before the episode started then we watched you do it. That's why her friend Payton hit you which I'm starting to see wasn't such a bad idea." Harry argued angrily making Marley and Liv share a smile.

"Do not speak to me that way I am your mother!"

"You were Marley's mother as well! You gave my only sister away for money. Why because she didn't show any signs of magic? It doesn't matter to me if she has magic or not I just wanted my sister growing but you ruined that for me. You and Dumbledore need serious professional help."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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