
36 4 15

"Mr. Sorren. I am very disappointed to say that you are hereby expelled from Ilvermorny for your violent behavior, even nearly killing exactly fourteen students."

Disappointed? More like eager. I can't count how many times people glared at me here. Besides, she got the number wrong. I seriously injured fourteen students and killed twenty four of them. I never liked the States, anyways. I chuckle. "So am I dismissed?"

"Yes, you are." The woman looks at me, adjusting her glasses. "You may go pack your bags and I will be owling your parents tonight."

I smirk as I nod. Everyone gets off of their seats and they walk out. Last is that woman. The one who expelled me. She's busy preparing files. Probably looking for what to put in my records. But I won't let her. As I grab the handle, I take out the spare wand I stole and turn around, facing the woman. I aim it swiftly and smoothly. 

"Avada Kedavra."

I watch as she drops to the ground. I snap the wand and drop it. Thank Merlin I have gloves on. I run out, screaming.

"KILLER! I JUST WITNESSED A DEATH! SOMEONE IS DEAD!" I fall to the ground. Some older people walk up to me, comforting me as I cry the crocodile tears. Okay, fine. I may or may not have been a bit excessive, but hey, gotta do what you gotta do, am I right?

The tears make it hard to see with my glasses, as the lenses are now wet with tears. Some authorities escort me out. Oh, the scent of their blood . . . 

As soon as they leave, I look around to see Ezra. I walk up to him and pin him down.

"Atonal!" I yell out. "Did you frame me?"

"It's the truth." Ezra shrugs. "Filthy half-humans like you shouldn't exist."

The only thing keeping me from smashing his skull is my already horrible record. Okay, and maybe mum (her shoes are hard as rock). I let him go. "Go to hell." I slam his head to the ground. He looks up at me as he sits up and as I walk away.

I finally wipe my glasses, taking all my belongings from my dorm. The dorm I'll never see again! 


When I arrive at our noisy house in Britain, I'm greeted with a hyper Scarlet.

"A-Alex!" She wraps her arms around me in a tight hug.

"How's my baby doing?" I coo, pinching her cheek. She slaps my hand away and shakes her head. Suddenly, I see mum walk up to me.

"Alexander Andrew Sorren!"

Uh oh . . .

"Hey, mom!" I wave.

She slaps me in the face. "I thought we told you to keep your head down!" she hisses. "And I thought you were going to use 'mum', or 'mutter'. I'm absolutely disgusted!"

"Mama!" Scarlet tugs on mum's arm. 

"What is it, darling?

"I w-want cake!" She giggles, winking at me.

"Darling, I need to deal with your brother right n-"

"I deal with him, you sit with Scarlet." My dad walks out of his room, holding one of Dalias squirrels by the tail. "AND DALIA! YOU KEEP THOSE DAMN PETS UNDER CONTROL OR THEY GO BYE!" He drops the squirrel as Dalia walks through the halls, holding the squirrel close to her.

"Es tut mir leid," she whispers, shooting me a glare before walking back. Scarlet groans.

"T-t-tick tock. It's a-almost 7 o'clock." Scarlet frowns. Mum sighs. "Okay, then. Let me cut you some cake."

Dad wraps his arm around my shoulder, leading me to my room and sitting next to me on the bed. He puts a hand on my face. "Alex, do you know how serious this is?" He asks sternly. I nod slowly. He huffs. "You could end up being prey to the dementors." I shudder at his words, or rather the way he says them.

"Look, I'm going to try to convince Dumbledore to let you go to Hogwarts. Just...stop being reckless." He kisses my cheek before getting up to walk out. I grab his hand. 

"Dad. Just another minute." 

He seems reluctant, but he sits next to me anyways. "Sure."

And that's when we hear stuff falling, followed by the screams of my little sister. . . .

A/N: The fact that I had this idea for over two months but didn't finish it until now- mwhaha. And it's so short too- but I hope you liked it!

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