1. London

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Luke has, as the only beta in a band, always felt a bit left out. While Michael and Ashton are fighting over who will win Calums heart, Luke feels like a piece of him is missing. The delayed piece of him finally catches up with his hectic lifestyle, when he presents as an omega during their Youngblood tour and everything goes absolutely crazy. Muke and Cashton.


- A good fanfic always makes life more bearable. -

Dear readers,

please forgive me for any mistakes or inconsistencies in the band trivia you will find out. It is just a fanfic and I dont expect to get a Pulitzer for this one.

Please always comment abut what you like and dislike, or whatever you want to say to me.

Love you

They were in England when it happened. Luke remembers waking up one day to yelling coming from the room next to his, which he recalled to be Michaels. He heard Ashtons and Michaels voices, angrily arguing about something, he didn't understand much but he picked up Calums name a few times. He had zero idea about what they were arguing about but he wished they would keep it down because it was fucking 6 am and he didn't need to be up until like 10 and he just couldn't imagine something to be so important that it couldn't wait 4 more hours. After a while the yelling stopped and he went to sleep again, before he could even start worrying about what was going on.

When he woke up for the second time it was to the sound of his alarm and he still refused to leave the bed for another 30 minutes. He almost fell asleep again when some loud knocking came up and before he could say anything, Ashton stormed into his room looking strangely disturbed and curtly announced that Luke needed to pack up immediately and be ready in an hour. They were leaving to Edinburg tonight because there obviously has been a big change of plans. Before Luke could even say "what the fuck" Ashton slammed the door shut again and that was it. End of discussion apparently. Luke was pissed, confused and half convinced that it was some practical joke, that his band mates came up with to make fun of him. That once he would have managed to pack all his stuff they would laugh at him a say that they are still staying in London for another week and he wouldn't see the end of it for a good month or longer. He was the youngest member of the band and the boys had a history of making fun of him in various ways. But then he remembered the yelling from the morning and for the first time it crossed his mind that something may be actually wrong. So he quickly put on some clothes and went to Michaels room. Michael opened the door before Luke could even land the second knock, it looked like he had been waiting at the door to open them to... whoever, but apparently not Luke, because upon seeing the lead vocalist he stopped on his tracks abruptly and for a moment he looked really caught of guard, which was so unlike Michael that it baffled Luke even more.

" What!?" the guitarist spat out finally.

Luke just stared at him for a moment. -Oh god, something really had to be wrong, if both Ashton and Michael looked this worked up.- He thought.

" Ehmm.." he started. " Ashton said we were leaving in an hour? What the hell does that mean? Was he serious or is that supposed to be some kind of ..."

"Yeah." Michael didn't even let him finish. "We are leaving today, hurry up and pack up or we will leave you behind."

Wow. That was rude and also What the hell??? "What the fuck man, what happened? We were supposed to stay for another week, I had plans. Damn, we had plans! We have interviews scheduled."

" It's been dealt with, they cancelled them. The management will handle the rest.

" But I.."

" For the fucks sake, Luke. Just don't be such a twat for once, and fucking listen, we need to leave! " Michael actually yelled at him and Luke, completely taken aback, actually shuddered at that. Because first the rude words weren't what he was used to hear from his best friend, unless it was in a teasing way, And second Michael clearly used his alpha voice on him and wow again, he only ever heard him use it a few times and it always was in dire situations and never was it aimed at him. Michael just wasn't that kind of alpha to enjoy going around flailing his status and bossing people around. And Luke couldn't help but cover under the verbal attack. He was still only a beta after all, even though with his family history it was very good chance he would become an alpha one day, and he would probably deny it later but back then he wasn't the most dominant beta either.

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