memory lane.

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AFTER crying in Satorus arms you pulled back silently letting out a soft "Thank you" before wiping your teary eyes "They're all puffy now" He pointed out rubbing under your eyes gently, the action warmed your heart "I'll be back with some ice and I got a surprise for you!" He said happily standing from his spot on the sofa and rushing towards the kitchen.

Not even five minutes had gone by before he came back with ice wrapped in a cloth and a bottle of wine with two glasses "Wine?" You questioned in confusion while taking the makeshift ice pack from him and gently placing it over an eye "Well not just any wine!-" He said with a grin popping the cork and pouring some in both glasses "-this is the same wine we celebrated with for our 20th birthdays, you remember?" He finished passing you a glass before taking his spot close beside you again.

Staring at the glass of wine memories started of that night started popping up in your brain. It was almost as if you were there. All the giggles and laughter, a totally drunk out of his mind Satoru who pulled you up to dance with him.

 All the giggles and laughter, a totally drunk out of his mind Satoru who pulled you up to dance with him

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"Come on Y/n~ let's dance!" Satoru drunkenly exclaimed with a grin grabbing both your hands pulling you up and into him making you giggle "Satoru you're too drunk..?" You said but it sounded more like a question as you both started swaying in silence besides the little party sound from a disco cat figure.

"You smell so flowers and mochi~ hehe" He chuckled out, his hands resting gently on your hips making you let out a laugh of your own "Shut up" you huffed out; snuggling close to him your head and hands on his chest swaying along.

It was silent for awhile, completely unlike Satoru to listen to you for once but then you felt it. Wetness on top of your head, at first you were confused but then soft sniffles followed along shortly. Looking up you came face to face with a crying Satoru.

He hadn't cried since grade school so the sight was very concerning and heartbreaking nonetheless. You tried to pull back to check on him but he shook his head taking a deep breath shaking his head, holding you closer "Stay...please" he muttered softly finally looking down at you.

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