2: Strange Dream

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Chanyeol rushed towards school, running to beat the clock for the nth time. He can't believe he snoozed his alarm clock on the first day of their exam week! He barely have enough time to reach the gate before the same old grumpy guard has the pleasure to close it and enjoy the late students' complaints.

Like a dejavu, he had to stop from running as the street lights turned red. Damn that streetlight! Students should be allowed to cross the roads whenever they want especially when they're running late. They're the future of this country, for goodness' sake!

Okay. Maybe his little train of thoughts went quite overboard there.

He took a glance at his cracked wrist watch and saw that he still have fairly around three minutes left before the gate closes. He doubts the lights would stay red for another minute... which leaves him about two minutes left to run, maybe?

Him calculating the remaining time makes him remember Kyungsoo again. He started looking around to try and check if Kyungsoo's one of the students waiting with him, but he couldn't find him. Maybe him being late that day was a one-time thing because the last time Chanyeol checked, Kyungsoo's actually one of the best performing students in Sophomore.

Yes, Chanyeol practically researched about him. It started out of curiosity, but this boy is really interesting. He even saw the poem he made last year that's now posted on the English corner of their school and he really liked it although he's not into poetry.

Chanyeol is so eager get to know him, but exam week is so hectic so he can't just stroll around the Sophomore building to look for a certain guy.

His thoughts were halted when the lights finally turned green. He started running along the other students and made it again just in time before the gates were dragged closed. He didn't have enough time to worry about how the late students would take their exams as he still have his own to worry about.

Oh, he can't wait till the hell week's finally over!

Chanyeol's sitting on the canteen waiting for his friends to finish their meal when he saw a familiar boy lining up for food. He watched as Kyungsoo and his friend headed straight into the corner most table while carrying each food tray in their arms. He's glad that Kyungsoo sat in the direction facing him. At least, he can watch him eat and stare at his cuteness from there. He didn't want to appear like a creepy stalker or something. He just.. admires the boy.

He really hopes he could be friends with him.

"If he's a candle, he would've probably melted already." His classmate teased him. He didn't realize he's already staring for so long that his friends already noticed what he's doing.

"Why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself to him, man?" Another classmate suggested, to which the other agreed. Their support somehow gave Chanyeol the little push he needed to actually go and try again.

He nodded to himself before he finally stood up and headed to where Kyungsoo is busy eating his meal. With a wide, friendly smile, Chanyeol greeted him and reached out for a handshake.

"Hi, Kyungsoo. I'm Chanyeol!" He said, patting himself in the back for being able to modulate his voice just right. But it seems like he's invisible because the male didn't even look at him. Chanyeol even saw how awkward Kyungsoo's friend already appeared like at that moment and he really didn't intend to make them feel uncomfortable.

"I-— hehe.. I just want to introduce myself.. I'm Park Chanyeol, from third year—"

And then a loud sound of utensils hitting the table silenced the entire canteen, and all of a sudden, all the attention was towards them.

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