Only you.

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It is now the middle of the evening. Vanzilla pulls up at Lynn Sr.'s restaurant: Lynn's Table.

Sisters: *chanting and getting out of the van* We are the Louds! Loud and proud! We are the Louds! Loud and proud! We are the Louds...!

The van door shuts while James, Lily, Rita, and Lynn Sr. stay behind. Exhausted, the parents let out a breather.

Rita: *exhausted* Oh! We did it. Thank you, Lincoln.

Lynn Sr.: You sure know how to keep the old Loud fam' running smoothly, kiddo.

Lincoln smiles heartwarmingly at the compliment as gentle music plays in the background. Meanwhile, inside the restaurant, the sisters are all sat at a booth, still chanting. Lincoln, Lily, and their parents enter the scene, smiling. Scoots drives her scooter past them, having the three yelp and step back.

Scoots: Yeah, Loud and too loud.

Lincoln takes a seat at the booth and chats with his sisters.

Lynn Sr.: *to Rita* Honey, let's get a pic of the kids for our Loud Wall of Fame.

Rita: Oh, great idea! *pulls out her phone* Everyone, hold up your trophies!

The girls start to pull out their trophies.

Leni: Get my good side.

Lola: I only have good sides.

Lynn: *holds her trophy up* Yeah!

Lucy: *holds hers up next* Not sure I'll show up, but...

Luan: Get my funny side.

Lincoln: *dodges a few trophies practically thrown his way* Whoa! Hey! Watch out!

James then gets hit by another trophy as he goes flying out of the booth and hits the floor with a thud.

Rita: Okay, everyone, squeeze in.

Lincoln gasps and squeezes into the pile that his is sisters.

Sisters: Sisters!

Rita takes the photo, and the sisters all laugh.

James thought that it was best if he went outside,he started to walk to the entrance.

Male Customer: *offscreen* Look, it's the Loud sisters!

Teri: Nobody tosses a baton like that one! *pulls on her hair gently as the man seated across from her pulls out his phone*

Uncle Jack's Nephew: *spits out some of his chicken* She embalmed my Uncle Jack!

Male Customer #2: *pulls out his phone* I wish my family was as talented as they are!

He, followed by the other customers in the restaurant, get out of their seats and run toward the Loud girls' booth. James yelps as he tries to shield himself from being trampled on.

He gets up and sees everyone crowding around the booth attempting to get a picture with his adoptive siblings.

Man: Selfie!

The loud house. The Second Brother the movie.Where stories live. Discover now