casa amour

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Hazel walked hand in hand with Tink into the villa, a nervous smile on her face

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Hazel walked hand in hand with Tink into the villa, a nervous smile on her face. "Hi boys."

"What you saying girls." Sammy said as he made his way over.

"Zach. That girl looks so much like Molly." Mitch commented.

Hazel introduced herself to all the boys before they lead the girls to sit around the fire pit in hopes to find out more about each individual. "Let's start with just, names, ages."

"I'm Abi, I'm a flight attendant, and I live in Hampshire." Abi started. "So I live kind of near Ascot. No one normally knows where I live."

"So, I'm Tink, I'm 26, I'm from Birmingham and I work in project management." Tink followed.

"I think you know enough about me." Molly said before turning to Amber who was sat besides her. "Go on."

"I'm Amber, I'm 19 and I'm a student at the moment." Amber spoke.

"I'm Gabby, I'm 24, I'm a creative and stylist, and I'm from Newcastle." Gabby said before everyone's gaze turned to Valerie.

"I'm Hazel. I'm 22 and I'm also a student at the moment, and I'm from Newport." she finished with a smile, catching eyes with Scott.

"So who is actually closed of them? Fully." Tink asked, Tyrique was the only boy to raise his hand at her words.

"Yeah, we had a date the other day and we closed things off." he explained.

"Not missing the game too much then."

"I miss the game a little bit here and there sometimes, but yeah." he replied.

"What about everyone else?" Amber asked, her gaze mainly on Sammy.

"Everyone else is open." Tyrique said, speaking for the rest of the boys.

"Yeah everyone's open. Like me personally, I'm not gonna lie, things are going well, but at the end of the day, you gotta meet new people, try some things." Sammy spoke.


"Yeah, I'm with Catherine at the moment. Things are going well, but this has put a spanner in the works, hasn't it? So- we'll see what happens." Scott replied.

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