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I groaned as I felt the sun's rays creeping through the curtains, disturbing my precious slumber. I buried my face deeper into the soft pillows, trying to cling to the remnants of my dream, but it was futile. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes, greeted by the unwelcome sight of my friend Liliana.

"Angelina, rise and shine, chica! We've got a busy day ahead," Liliana chirped, her energy so annoyingly infectious.

I grumbled in response, my annoyance evident. It had been two months since I took down Alex, and life had been mostly smooth since then. But today, for some reason, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

We shared a penthouse apartment together, and though it had its perks, living with Liliana wasn't always a bundle of joy - today being a prime example. I dragged myself out of bed, pulling the sheets away like they were my nemesis.

"What's on the agenda today?" I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, trying to shake off the grumpiness.

"Breakfast and then work, like always," she replied with a playful smile, clearly oblivious to my sour mood.

As we sat down for breakfast, I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander to my other job. Yeah, you heard it right - I'm a full-on stripper in my free time. It might sound strange, but it brings in good money, and I enjoy the way those horny, desperate men drool over me, longing for something they'll never have.

But don't get me wrong - I despise men. All of them. They're nothing but selfish, heartless dicks who think the world revolves around them. My past has left me with a bitter taste for all things masculine, and I have no qualms about exploiting their desires for my benefit.

Liliana and I finished breakfast, and then it was time to head to the strip club. As much as I hated men, there was one person I was genuinely glad to meet - Noah. He was gay, which made him an exception to my loathing rule. Noah was a kindred spirit, someone who understood me in ways others couldn't. His friendship was a source of comfort in this dark and twisted world.

"Hey, Angelina! Liliana!" Noah called out as we entered the club. He waved at us from across the room, and a small smile crept onto my face.

"Hey, Noah!" I said, genuinely happy to see him. His presence had a way of easing the tension within me.

We caught up for a while, chatting about our day and sharing laughs amidst the loud music and flashing lights. With Noah around, the atmosphere felt a little less toxic.

As the evening rolled in, it was showtime. I stepped onto the stage, clad in my seductive attire, and the room filled with an eager anticipation. The lustful gazes of the men made my stomach churn, but I pushed the anger down, allowing my performance to captivate the room.

The night went by in a blur of dancing, fake smiles, and empty compliments. As much as I hated this place and its patrons, there was a strange sense of control I felt when I had them all wrapped around my finger.

Finally, the night came to an end, and I couldn't be happier to leave that den of vultures behind. Liliana and I said our goodbyes to Noah, promising to meet up soon, and we stepped back into the night.

Once we were outside, I took a deep breath, trying to shake off the grime of the strip club. Liliana shot me a curious glance, but she didn't press for an explanation. She knew better than to pry when I was in one of my moods.

As we walked back to our penthouse, I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to life than this dark existence. A flicker of doubt crossed my mind, but I quickly brushed it aside. In a world where shadows danced with malevolence, I couldn't afford to be vulnerable.

And so, I continued to walk the tightrope between light and darkness, wondering if one day, I'd find a way to escape the shadows that threatened to consume me. But for now, I'd let my anger fuel me, and my hatred keep me alive, because in this unforgiving city, it was the only way I knew how to survive.

After arriving back at our penthouse, the lingering annoyance from the strip club still clung to me like a shadow. Liliana suggested ordering pizza, and I agreed, not really in the mood to cook or do anything else for that matter.

As we waited for the pizza delivery, I absentmindedly scrolled through my Instagram feed. My eyes caught some models flaunting their perfect figures, particularly their well-endowed bosoms. A tinge of envy flickered within me. I had often considered getting breast augmentation, but Liliana had always talked me out of it, reminding me that I didn't need to conform to societal standards to feel beautiful.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, the doorbell rang, and Liliana sprang up to get the pizza. I glanced up from my phone, ready to indulge in some cheesy goodness. But then I noticed the slow, hesitant tone in Liliana's voice as she called my name. My instincts went on high alert, and without a second thought, I reached for my gun, which I always kept nearby.

With cautious steps, I made my way to Liliana's side. My heart pounded in my chest, a mix of fear and anger bubbling within me. I glanced past her to see a large man dressed in black standing there, looking intimidating as hell. He spoke in a gruff voice, informing us that his boss had ordered us to come with him.

I couldn't help but throw a sarcastic remark his way, my annoyance getting the better of me. "Oh, how thoughtful of your boss to send an invitation," I retorted, my grip on the gun tightening.

The man's face contorted in irritation at my response, and I could see he wasn't used to being mocked. Before he could react, I slammed the door shut in his face, locking it securely. I turned to Liliana, my eyes burning with anger. "I hate men," I muttered under my breath, the frustration boiling inside me.

Liliana looked at me, concern etched on her face. "What do we do now, Angelina?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I knew we couldn't stay in the penthouse. It was only a matter of time before they tried to force their way in. "Pack your essentials," I said, my mind racing with possibilities. "We need to get out of here, go somewhere safe."

Liliana nodded, her trust in me unwavering. She quickly gathered a few things while I kept watch, my ears alert for any sounds of intrusion. As she finished, we made our way to the fire escape, opting for a discreet exit rather than risking the main entrance.

As we descended the stairs, I couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter was somehow connected to my past as an assassin. Old enemies, perhaps? It didn't matter; all that mattered now was ensuring our safety.

We hailed a cab and went to a safe house I had set up for emergencies like this. Once inside, I allowed myself a moment to process the situation. The rage inside me began to subside, replaced by a steely determination to protect Liliana and myself.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, Liliana," I said, looking into her eyes, the intensity of my gaze conveying my sincerity. "We'll figure this out, and we'll stay one step ahead of them."

Liliana nodded, giving me a faint smile, the trust between us unbreakable. We were bound together, not just as friends, but as survivors in a world that constantly tested our strength.

As the night unfolded, I couldn't help but wonder who was behind this sudden intrusion into our lives. But one thing was certain - I was done running from my past. It was time to confront the demons that lurked in the shadows and put an end to whatever game they were playing.

In the dark of the night, I silently made a vow to myself. I would not let anyone control our lives, and I would not let my past define me. I was Angelina Sanchéz, and if they wanted a fight, they would get one - a fight they would never forget.

Angel of Darkness (STOPPED TEMPORARILY)Where stories live. Discover now