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After a delightful dinner in the heart of Paris, we made our way back to the luxurious hotel. The ambiance of the city's evening glow still lingered around us as we entered our room, but my mischievous mood hadn't dissipated in the slightest.

As we stepped inside, I couldn't resist the temptation. My hand found its way to Angelina's tempting curves, and I playfully squeezed her ass. Her gasp of surprise only fueled my amusement, and I flashed her a mischievous grin.

"Kai, seriously, behave yourself," she chided, her eyes dancing with a mixture of exasperation and humor.

I leaned in closer, my voice laced with playful intent. "But how can I possibly behave when you've got an ass like that?"

She blushed at my words, a charming flush creeping up her cheeks. "Oh, come on. Watch out, you're drooling," she teased, her laughter filling the air.

I chuckled, unable to hide my appreciation. "I can't help it. You're absolutely irresistible."

Angelina shook her head, her amusement evident. "You're incorrigible."

But my playful spirit wasn't to be deterred. "I prefer to think of it as being appreciative."

Her laughter was music to my ears, and I continued to heap compliments on her as we moved further into the room. "You know, your ass deserves its own fan club."

She rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her pleased smile. "You're ridiculous."

I closed the distance between us, my arm snaking around her waist to pull her closer. "Ridiculously in love with you," I whispered, my voice softening as I leaned in to brush my lips against hers.

She melted against me, her lips meeting mine in a tender kiss that spoke volumes. I could feel the warmth of her affection, the way she responded to my touch, and I knew that even amidst our playful banter, there was an underlying connection that ran deep.

As our kiss deepened, I couldn't resist the urge to grab her ass once more, pulling her even closer. Her laughter vibrated against my lips, and when we finally pulled away, she looked at me with a mix of affection and exasperation.

"You're so needy," she teased, her fingers tracing light circles on my chest.

I smirked, my hands still resting on her hips. "Only when it comes to you."

We shared a knowing look, the unspoken understanding between us stronger than ever. And as we settled into the comfort of our hotel room, I couldn't help but feel incredibly grateful for these moments of lightheartedness and intimacy that defined our relationship.

As we entered the hotel room, the soft lighting created a seductive atmosphere. The delicate scent of Angelina's perfume lingered in the air, heightening my desire for her. Amora, our beautiful little girl, was sound asleep in her crib, blissfully unaware of the passion that was about to ignite between her parents.

I gently placed Amora in her crib, making sure she was comfortable and safe. Angelina watched me with a tender smile, her eyes filled with love and desire. Sensing her anticipation, I couldn't resist the magnetic pull between us any longer.

Closing the distance between us, I pressed my lips against hers, savoring the taste and feel of her. The kiss was slow and passionate, our tongues intertwining in a dance of desire. My hands traveled down her body, caressing her curves, feeling the heat radiating from her skin.

Angel of Darkness (STOPPED TEMPORARILY)Where stories live. Discover now