the new kid

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a/n before we start y/n uses she/they pronouns

POV: y/n

it was a normal day, everything at school was normal, everyone was acting normal, it was just normal. which was the way i liked it. until choir class.

i was chatting with my best friend, Noel Gruber.

Noel Gruber, my best friends since first grade. i was the new kid and he was the weird kid. we immediately connected and became best friends. i love him like a brother, our families are very close, and we know everything about each other. i was the first person to know he was gay (i called it from third grade though) and he's my emotional support and feeds on my delusions of me always being right. although we both do that. all in all couldn't ask for a better friend

"hey, did you hear about the new kid?" he asks while setting his bag down "what new kid?" i ask, now intrigued "he's been all the school is talking about, surprised you haven't heard of him yet" he sits down and faces me "i think he's in the choir. apparently he stole some wine for his cousin" i look at him now shocked "really? well i'm sure it's not as bad as it seems-" he cuts me off "his cousin is like nine" he gets out his materials for choir "oh shit" i say, noel is about to speak when father Markus walks in with a very tall boy by his side. he looks about 5'11 to maybe 6'3. he has messy brown hair that is kept in a baseball cap. he's to busy texting to pay attention to anything. he looks like a troublemaker. i always hated troublemakers

"class, this Mischa Bachinski, he's from Ukraine." everyone mutters hellos under their breath except me. i just look him up and down with an almost disgusted look on my face "well, Mischa is there anything you'd like to tell about yourself?" he finally looks up from his phone, looks around and looks back at his phone "no" he walks to the seat behind me and sits down. of course, just my luck that he sits behind me. but i decide that i'll try not to be a jerk and won't say anything. it gets hard though when he puts his feet on my chair.

"okay well can you please get your feet off of y/n's desk?" Mischa looks over at me and raises an eyebrow, it looks like wheels are turning in his head before he reluctantly takes his feet off. i let out a breath i didn't even know i was holding "well, now that that's out of the way let's get on with class" he sighs and starts class. it goes by quicker then usual. turns out the wine kid, what's his name? mischa? whatever i'll probably never use it. i'll just make up a name like i do everyone else. but anyway turns out he's a really good singer. his voice is deep and smooth. not that i like it or anything. he's dumb and has a dumb voice

class was just about to end when Ocean raised her hand.

Ocean O'Connell Roosenburg, she was basically my enemy. i hated her and she hated me. she was annoying, a preppy, a straight A student with a not so straight sexuality. she always said how much she cares for us in the choir but that's obviously bullshit. she only cares about herself. not even her "bestfriend" constance. all in all i hate her and she hates me. but we're kinda like siblings. i'm allowed to hate her and she's allowed to hate me but if someone else does we will hunt them down

oh great. this probably means she's gonna talk for an hour or two. whatever at least i didn't have to go to social studies. that's my least favorite class. "Father Markus? may i say something?" the only person who didn't look annoyed was father markus and constance.

Constance Blackwood, she was very kind. the only reason she hangs out with Ocean is because she has no one else to. kinda feel bad. she's mostly quiet but i think that's because no one ever listens. maybe i will someday. all in all i don't know her that well so i don't talk to her much

Ocean then goes on this big rant that goes from the choir to... library cards? i zoned out for most of it but when i snapped back in she was still talking "and that is why not everyone should have a library card!" i groan and look at the clock. it's been two hours. school is now over "Father Markus?" i say. just wanting to go home "yes? what is it y/n?" "it's been about thirty minutes since school as ended. can we leave now?" i glare at ocean while talking. she just rolls her eyes "well yes i suppose you can go. you know when to be here tomorrow. goodbye kids"

we all pick up our stuff and start leaving. i was about to get in the car with Noel to go to my house when Mischa stopped me, putting a hand on my shoulder "hey, you y/n, yes?" i look at him annoyed "yeah? do you need something? i have places to be" he shakes his head "no, just wanted to say thanks for getting carrot hair girl to shut up so we can leave" he walks off and as he does Noel walks up to me "so what do you think of him?" he asks be as we start heading to my car "he's annoying honestly." i get in and start driving "his accent is so stupid and he's so tall for no reason..."

i go on and on about how much i hate him until we get to my house and i finally look over to see Noel smirking at me "what?" i look over at him annoyed as i starts walking up to my house "oh nothing. you were just kinda obsessing about him. sounds to me like you like him" he teases me "oh please. he's so annoying i could never." he giggles and we walk inside after i unlock the door "mom! i'm home! i brought Noel!" i call out and we go upstairs to my room

this is the end of chapter one!! i hope you enjoyed:)) this one was png because i was introducing most characters. obviously i'll still introduce the rest in other chapters. anyways have an amazing day/night!!

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